Guy Laramee - Thick Cloud of Unknowing

Brown s Bible (detail)
The erosion of cultures – and of “culture” as a whole - is the theme that runs through the last 25 years of my artistic practice. Cultures emerge, become obsolete, and are replaced by new ones. With the vanishing of cultures, some people are displaced and destroyed. We are currently told that the paper book is bound to die. The library, as a place, is finished. One might ask so what? Do we really believe that “new technologies” will change anything concerning our existential dilemma, our human condition? And even if we could change the content of all the books on earth, would this change anything in relation to the domination of analytical knowledge over intuitive knowledge? What is it in ourselves that insists on grabbing, on casting the flow of experience into concepts?
When I was younger, I was very upset with the ideologies of progress. I wanted to destroy them by showing that we are still primitives. I had the profound intuition that as a species, we had not evolved that much. Now I see that our belief in progress stems from our fascination with the content of consciousness. Despite appearances, our current obsession for changing the forms in which we access culture is but a manifestation of this fascination.
My work, in 3D as well as in painting, originates from the very idea that ultimate knowledge could very well be an erosion instead of an accumulation. The title of one of my pieces is “ All Ideas Look Alike”. Contemporary art seems to have forgotten that there is an exterior to the intellect. I want to examine thinking, not only “what” we think, but “that” we think.
So I carve landscapes out of books and I paint romantic landscapes. Mountains of disused knowledge return to what they really are: mountains. They erode a bit more and they become hills. Then they flatten and become fields where apparently nothing is happening. Piles of obsolete encyclopedias return to that which does not need to say anything, that which simply IS. Fogs and clouds erase everything we know, everything we think we are.
After 30 years of practice, the only thing I still wish my art to do is this: to project us into this thick “cloud of unknowing.”

Spring Rites - Femmina Unbound at the Convent

Dear Sisters and Medicine Women,
I am so very happy to let you know about an event that is very dear to my heart. On the first day of Spring we will be creating a Dreaming Pool of Swan Blessing at the Abbotsford Convent dedicated to releasing Past Life Vows, Oaths and Sacred Contracts binding our Feminine Wisdom.

I have been called to hold this joyful event of illumination at the Abbotsford Convent which was also the site of the Magdalen Laundries. This was a place where young girls and women who were deemed 'fallen' were given over to the church to work as prisoners in the laundries. To be a classed as a 'Magdalene' you could have done as little as been rebellious, loud or adventurous and if you had a child out of wedlock, you were deemed lowest of the low. These so-called 'fallen women' who were in actual fact, just very young girls, often lost their identities, families, children and even their own names upon entering the laundries which were surrounded with razor wire like a prison to keep them from escaping and from influencing the young students at the convent.

I have been hearing the voices of these young women for several years now and feel that their spirits are in 'limbo' because they were told that was their future. They were told that there was no return home and they believed it. Are we not also still finding ourselves in 'limbo' by trying to hold on to the ridiculous ideal of being a 'good girl'? I believe there is no such thing as a fallen woman. And I would like all of us to lose this binding belief that is so unnatural and harmful to the wild feminine. In releasing our own bindings we can create such an energetic dreaming pool of love and wisdom that we will also mend the dream pathways to the spirits of the Magdalenes to let them know that they too are loved and free.

I often wonder how different we are from the women of the Magdalene Laundries - I would say most of us would have been classified as rebellious and dangerous for simply expressing free will and standing in our power. In the Rise of the Divine Feminine we are moving beyond the illusion of control and patriarchy.  I believe this freeing can be joyful and we can share this joy with our Ancestor Sisters. Strong love may not change the past but it can have a real, energetic effect on the land and the places where these events happened and most importantly can be felt by any spirits who feel bound and caught in the past.

Beyond Control:
In this one day workshop we will move through and clear oaths such as the Vow of Silence, Obedience, Chastity, Poverty and the Promise to Remain Hidden. We will sing up our spirits beyond the control of outside forces and any authority other than our own spirit. We will sing love into the Earth and acknowledge the ancestor spirits have resided in the landscape for millions of years.

We will go back Sisters to an ancient time, beyond the oppressive rules and constraints that were placed upon women in modern times. Here we will meet our ancestors, the beautiful grandmothers and star-mothers that have been waiting for us to remember our magnificence, our mystery and our medicine.

I welcome your return Medicine Women, I hope to see you in the Spring.

Love, Julia

Swan Blessing Story - Releasing the Vow to Hide the Healer

Far From Home - Morgan Weistling

Tonight I share Robyn's Swan Blessing past life story of her Vow to Hide the Healer - to not let anyone know who she truly was. This fear of persecution is one of the strongest ties that binds us and stop us from stepping into spiritual and healing work again in our current lifetime. I was very touched by Robyn's courage to face this fear and was thrilled to see her rapid transformation after she released her spirit from this heavy vow. I hope that in the telling of Robyn's own story, it helps those who are also feeling this same fear to realise that this vow is ancient and does not belong with your spirit in this time of change and rise of the Sacred Feminine. I hope it helps you to feel that you are not alone and that you can come out of the shadows and into community with your sisters and brothers again.

Thank you Robyn and we are so happy to see the unveiling of your Wise Medicine here in this world again.

As I looked into the well I became a seven year old girl with long sandy brown hair in plats. All around  was forest. Beautiful majestic trees that were as high as the sky. I  was met by a lady, but could only see her curly, dark auburn red hair.  She was wearing an emerald green cloak made of raw silk. It was stunning and shiny.  I couldn't see her face through the shadow of the hood.  I felt we were mother and child. She beckoned me to follow her and seemed very excited to show me something. We were skipping and running with such excitement and freedom through the forest.

We came to a clearing in the trees where there were some people in a circle surrounding a fire. They were pagans, all holding hands chanting blessings to the earth. I could see their shapes in white with no defining marks. The only defining vision was a giant rabbit joined in amongst the people, my mother and myself. We joined the circle and began to become one with earth and all the people. We prayed for healing of the world, for peace, for the sick, for all in need. We were healers, shamans and in an age where this belief could have you branded and killed as a witch. 

Suddenly there were screams and men attacking us with sticks, breaking up the circle and beating anyone they could catch. As we fled into the forest they grabbed my mother. They pulled us apart, our arms stretched out for one last chance of touch. I  watched as my mother was carried away screaming and kicking holding her arms out to me. I was crying out for her with no hope.  I had to hide until it was safe to emerge. As I looked up, a hand reached out for me. It was a man who had come to help. He took me to a secret place where we were allowed to be free and safe. We all lived together in harmony with nature and continued to heal. They taught me the ways of nature and how to use the powers that I possessed. 

I grew into a tall, stunning looking woman that walked tall and proud hiding my deep secrets. I  was a healer with such powers that I could heal with a single smile or glance. I had my secret kept deep within, not sharing through fear of being killed.  I healed from afar. I was living in a Scandinavian town on the edge of the forest. Nobody knew who I was, but I had respect. 

When it was time to see my binding I felt a huge rope coil around my entire body much like a snake would strangle their prey. I was bound with this rope with a giant knot in my mouth. The knot represented how I swore to never discuss my secret within. Never to let anyone know I am a healer.  Then my mother was reunited with me to show me I was safe. As she put out her arms for me, a feeling of love and peace shot through my entire body. Then my ropes were cut and they fell to the ground. The young girl was free to talk her truth. No more silence, no more fear, I too am free.

After my blessing the Swan circled above with the sun behind her. She came low enough to pick me up and carry me away.  I embraced her with gratitude for allowing me to take this journey. I felt safe with her as she flew through the perfect sky, then spiraled down and around to land in the dam paddock of my home. A home I can now appreciate and feel settled and safe in from this day forward. 

What an amazing experience. The most interesting guided meditation I have ever done. The emotion that was experienced was so intense inside my heart, but was finally put at peace through this magical healing. Having picked some cards Julia described exactly where I was in my heart. I was feeling trapped with my strong spiritual belief having to remain a secret, through fear of being persecuted, criticized and judged.  At the end of the day, my choice to be who I am truly within my heart was being ignored, leaving me untrue to myself and my life as who I am today. 

I believe more and more in past lives and at times have had some amazing things happen to convince me even more again. I have always had a yearning to be in India. It was a place where one of my many spiritual steps were taken and where I have always felt at home and allowed to embrace spirituality. I have always felt a strong connection to India through family history, past and present, but also in the heart.  In India, people show you respect for your strong belief.  Monks, nuns and Holy men are looked up to and never persecuted. My past lives as a holy being were many and I was loved and respected for who I was. This was making it hard to settle in my own home, a paradise surrounded by nature. A place that people come to enjoy and relax. But for me, no, India felt like home.  For a while now I had the feeling that my beliefs and abilities  should be kept secret, as judgements and criticisms I have had to face from opening my heart to people have felt so unfair. I am not cuckoo or going to hell, I am an amazing being with a lot to share. Life is good! 

So a couple of days pass. I start to see visions of my past again. This time, I recognize my mother. She isn't my maternal mother from this life as I originally thought, she is Judy, healer I bump into on occasion. In my Scandinavian life, Judy is my mother. Judy is also the healer that helped me on a few occasions. She turns up at the right time. A lovely lady I have always felt like I should get to know better, but has never had the chance. First thing the next morning After this visit to Melbourne my family all went to our chiropractor for our regular adjustment. We hadnt seen a single soul in town before entering the clinic. Guess who were the patients before us, Judy and her husband Jack. I hadn't seen them for over 18 months and now I feel its time to get to know them better. I think I have a new teacher. 

Thank you Julia and Tony for helping me find peace. Look forward to another magical experience with you both.  Robyn, 2013

Past Life Remembered - Poverty Consciousness

I have been fascinated by the photographs of Jacob Riis for many years. Riis was an anti-poverty campaigner and journalist whose photos are full of emotion and story. At the turn of the century he documented the appalling living conditions in New York City in the hope that they would move people to do something about creating better conditions and alleviate suffering. 

Many of us are carrying past life memories of these kinds of lifetimes and also blood memories - carried in the DNA from our ancestors. If it is strong, or you have made past life vows in relation to creating wealth, it can develop into poverty consciousness - a constant and nagging fear that all will taken away from us again. It does not matter how abundant or rich our lives appear, when we carry this binding fear, it is as if we remember these times like they happened yesterday and like hungry wolves, they wait to engulf us again.

It is important to acknowledge and FEEL the wealth of our current lives. There are many, many people in the world still living in these types of conditions and worse. To fear poverty creates a barrier between us, it makes us want to turn from or push away what frightens us. It limits or crushes completely our creative impulse and trust in our dreams. And worst of all it binds us tighter into the whole obsolete belief of a class system. A system devised to separate us through fear - as if our living circumstances or education were a measure of our worth.

Instead of fearing poverty, we can:
Dedicate ourselves to living simply and frugally while at the same time feeling real gratitude for what we have
Spend long periods in nature and let ourselves remember how to know her intimately again and grow our own food
Enjoy developing self-reliance and making by hand what we need
Supporting our local community with conscious spending and buying locally
Share in times of plenty

We are remembering again what we used to be.

Kings Daughters Tenement Chapter, Kindergarten Games 1897

School 1890s
Baxter Street Court

what is going on inside you now...

Heroine by Billy and Hells

“Just when it seems that everything has come to a standstill, the forces of transformation are most active. Refrain from criticizing the process that is taking place within. You are inwardly busy with the merging of your male and female energies. This brings about the balance you seek…”
“Once the weaving of their forms is complete, they rise up high into the sky and soar freely! This is what is known as the spiritualization of matter.”
“…What is going on inside you now, is yet too fragile to be dragged out into the open and killed by explaining it away. Give yourself the freedom of not having to justify the delicate process of your spiritual development that must take place in secrecy. Respect what is happening in the darkness, far from the maddening crowd. Have faith in its appropriateness.”
“Simply relax and, most of all be kind to yourself. At the right time, the fruits of your internal labor will become clearly visible in your behavior and especially in your work.”
~Gayan Silvie WInter and Jo Dose from Vision Quest Tarot via MysticMamma

Swan Blessing Workshop - Sacred Plant Medicine Dolls

Swan Blessing Past Life Workshop 

Plant Medicine Spirit Doll Creation and Passion Flower Tea Ceremony

The focus of this workshop will be on clearing Past Life Vows and Promises binding the Artisan and Herb Lore and reclaiming our natural ability to listen to the voice of the Plant World. With the assistance of Nicole Ahava, we will engage in a Passion Flower Tea Ceremony to open up plant pathways to the Dreamer and then in this beautiful relaxed and dreaming state, create a Plant Medicine Doll for ourselves or for someone who is in need. 

Numbers are strictly limited for this workshop.

Solstice Artisans

Thank you to all of the beautiful artisans who came to the Full Moon Winter Solstice Swan Blessing. The focus of this Swan Blessing was to release past life binding from the Artisan and Intuit and call forth the Dreamer by creating her likeness in a Medicine Doll. We were joined by my dear sister Nicole Ahava who shared her gifts of doll enchantment and plant wisdom. Nicole and I will be holding our next workshop on the eve of the Feast of Mary Magdalene and delving deeper into Herb Lore, please go to our Events page to see full details.
Here are some of the Dreamers created by their Medicine Women.

Existing in Costumes: Chan-hyo Bae

Chan-hyo Bae is a South Korean born artist living in London. His work examines how we look at gender, power, race and class. I love Chan's way of releasing the bindings of these now obsolete ways of classifying humanity. The photos are exquisite.

“The sun never sets over the British Empire.” The country of Queen, the country with pride in her history and tradition, still seems to be breathing in Great Britain. I try to become British just as a child pretends to be a mother by dressing in her clothes and making up with her cosmetics. The attempt to become British is to me what a child tries to do in dressing as an adult. Although the mother’s clothes are unsuitable for the child, the child still tries to dress as its mother, trying to express its existence as another person. The language of a child. In becoming a British lady, which may seem gauche, it is my language.” Chan-hyo Bae

Winter Solstice Swan Blessing Workshop - Wise Medicine from Plant Teachers

I am preparing for our Winter Solstice Workshop - Enchantment of the Dreamer by walking in the forest daily and looking around for fallen leaves, branches, berries and other plant medicine. I am loving seeing the world from a miniature point of view - a twig that doubles as a staff, a leaf as a cape - endless possibilities. During this workshop we will be journeying with plant wisdom from sacred herbs such as Blue and White Lotus, and the Passion Flower. At present I am placing these ancient medicinal and dreaming herbs inside the spirit dolls. It is a wonderful feeling when a doll tells you what it needs to carry. 
Deep inside our hearts, where the Dreamer resides, we remember the ancient shamanic and witch practice of doll-making and enchantment and we have ancestral memory of Plant Medicine. At Winter Solstice we will clear past life vows, oaths and sacred contracts binding the Artisan, from full expression of Intuition and Creativity before engaging in this sacred craft again. If you wish to join us in this deep dreaming pool as remember how to make all that we touch sacred, I have 2 last places, please get in touch by Friday morning if you would like to take one of them.
Spirit Sister Plant Medicine Dolls available for purchase here.