Fire Drummer - New Moon in Aries

New Moon in Aries today - can you feel the shift in energy? Hopefully for many of you who have been feeling exhausted, this shift will herald a week of excitement & rejuvenation as the Aries New Moon builds in FIRE power. One way that I love to build energy and connect to fire is by drumming. How exciting is this incredible video of Faroe Islands musician and singer,  Eivor Palsdottir - she is a wild embodiment of the energy of an Aries New Moon!


Here is the drum that I love so much - she is my Otter Drum. There is nothing like playing a drum created with your own hands - your own essence. Tony and I created our shamanic drums with the amazing Judy O'Donnell, wonderful water-woman and drum-maker who has sat and worked with shaman all over the world.

And we are honoured to have Judy visiting us here in Melbourne on Saturday, 28th April to hold a Drum-Making Workshop. This is so very special and we only have 3 places left in this workshop. Tony and I will be holding Full Moon Drumming Circles after Easter and so if you feel called by the drum - this workshop will give you everything you need. You will be amazed at what you can create with your hands and your spirit. Your drum becomes a dear friend, a living breathing companion to your own natural rhythm. So please get in touch with us as soon as possible to secure one of the remaining spots. All you need to do to reserve your place is pay $100 deposit with the rest of the amount owed on the day of the workshop.

Tony and I will be holding new drumming circles after April so - let there be drums! Julia & Tony