Sacred Familiar's New Nest in Sherbrooke Forest

New nest - new home
Dear friends, we are so happy to announce that we have found the new nest for Sacred Familiar in the magical Sherbrooke Forest. So many beautiful spaces for sharing ceremony and creativity. After a wee break we will be opening the doors of our forest dwelling in early February 2013 to all who wish to journey with the Wild Swan. We will be offering many new workshops and sessions including Shamanic Animal Journeys with Tony. In the meantime we will be immersing in rest and play - so many new feelings and ideas are birthing with each day. 
We wish you all a wonderful crossing of the glittering threshold that is 2013. 
See you soon in the green worlde,
Love, Julia and Tony xx
Tony standing outside our house with some tall friends
Directly across the road are the glorious Alfred Nicholas Gardens
a wonderful place for a contemplative walk after your sessions x