Thank you Lisa - Medicine Tongue Mellifluous One

We were assisted by so many beautiful medicine women at Femmina Unbound at the Abbotsford Convent yesterday and one of them was our dear sister, singer and artist, Lisa Mitchell. Lisa, Tony and I have been dreaming this day in together and spoken about how best to help heal the women and children of the Magdalene Laundries. In the months leading up to Femmina Unbound Lisa has been living close to the Earth and began to channel the most amazing and soulful songs and she shared her gift on Sunday as an offering to the spirits of these young women and to the sacred Earth. Here she is in an earlier recording singing in the Abbotsford Convent.

Thank you for your precious gift sister Medicine Tongue Mellifluous One, your voice of honey-flow healed and assisted so many of the women at the convent - both in body and in spirit xxx