Water from the Mountain

Yesterday Tony and I returned to the underground Spring at the top of Mt Donna Buang to draw water for ceremony this weekend. It makes me happy to know that after all their hard work, the members of this beautiful circle will be drinking such pure water - gift of life. My intention this weekend will be sending love to all of those who feel alone at this time of the year. This month I have been focussed on healing the lineage of suicide in my family. It is a line of pain that has marked both sides of my family tree and I have been working to make sure those souls are at rest and know they are loved and were always loved and to know that they were never truly alone. Today I will be building an altar outside to remember the branches of my family tree that were stopped short, for the hearts too sensitive to weather the storm. 
I believe that talking about suicide is healing for us all, so many of us have been touched by it and when we share our stories we help remove the bindings of shame and taboo. If this time of year is difficult for you, reach out to a friend, gather your dear animals around you. Speak to someone about how you are feeling and remember, you are never alone.  We all have gentle hearts and I hope we can remember that in our meetings with each other this month. 
To draw water from this crystal clear spring here is a map from the great site Find a Spring.