The Family Tree - sometimes we carry gifts that are not always reflected in the birth family or circles around us. We feel different and these differences can make us feel that somehow it is wrong if it’s not reflected around us. But just like the animals and the plants, we have many different skills and traits and journeying to meet ancestors we see how these skills and ways of being had a place and understanding. Meeting the ‘one like you’, the ancestor who carries the gift that you now carry can be profoundly healing. It can create a sense of belonging and wholeness that can stay with us long after meeting them.
When Irene contacted me to ask for a second Swan Lore session I had a memory of her coming to see me many years before and I she told me that after her first Swan Lore session she had decided to trust more in her gifts of intuition and had created a business she loved reading tarot for others. Irene is deeply immersed in her Maori culture but had also recently begun learning about ancestral healing traditions with Maori healers and elders. I could see this was having a powerful affect on Irene and her energy. But there was a problem - Irene was questioning her own personal way of working and being. She said she had always thought she was ‘too soft and feminine’ and that this might not be ‘right’. We journeyed together for ancestral healing for Irene and asked for an ancestor who could help her understand her gifts. In doing so she met a family member that was ancient and so close to the source and truth of life that it was one of the most beautiful sessions I have witnessed.
Thank you Irene for sharing your story here of your journey to meet the ancestor who taught you that you are a loving gentle woman and that this is your strength.
Photo of Irene by Soldiers Rd
“I was met by a gracious woman by the river. She sat in nature as though she was in her element, connected to the roots of the ground…she wore a traditional moko kauae on her chin. She was an ancient ancestor and I was her descendant.”
Irene’s Swan Lore Story of Wairua (Spirit)
I was met by a gracious woman by the river. She sat in nature as though she was in her element, connected to the roots in the ground. Leaning towards the water, her bare body was shown to me through the reflection of the water. She was Goddess like, and wore a traditional moko kauae on her chin (Maori tattoo). Her hair was long, wavy, and thick and her skin was of a tanned complexion. She was an ancient ancestor, and I was her descendant. She gently offered her hand out to me, guiding me through her soft smile to share a glimpse of her life and mauri (life essence).
She sat, knees bent to the side as she collected harvest and placed the food in her kete (basket). Elegantly and carefully choosing one at a time by gently selecting it from the earth, and exchanging gratitude through karakia (prayer) and setting loving intentions. A new journey of life through those it will nourish.
She showed me her playful side as she sang and danced with children, teaching them important lessons through laughter and games.
She was a healer. She showed me how she was mentored by her grandmother as a young girl as she was the chosen one in her village, because of her kind heart and compassion for all things living. She presented me with a gift through wairua (spirit) exchange, called a hongi. Through this action, her wairua and gift was transferred to me.
I feel a sense of security within myself after this experience. I have always shared a similar gentleness and femininity that I did not consider a strength or appreciate as a gift, prior to the Swan Blessing and meeting my ancestor. I can now put a face and story behind one of my guides and feel a sense of pride knowing I can call on her when I need her.
The affirmation she left with me to always remember is; ‘I am a loving gentle healer’. And this is my power.
‘Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini’
(translation) My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success but success of a collective.