Goddess of the Well

Clootie Wells

Sancreed Well IMGP1838 by nighthawkjw
Sancreed Well IMGP1838, a photo by nighthawkjw on Flickr.
You may have noticed, I've become quite obsessed with healing wells and sacred water sources of late. Recently I remembered the beautiful and mysterious Clootie Wells of the British Isles and Celtic lands. Clooties are pieces of cloth that have been dipped into a holy spring or well and are then tied to trees around the well with a prayer or as a dedication to the deities or spirit of the well.  We will be learning more about this ancient tradition and creating our own healing clooties with healing water sourced from the Wombat Forest at the Spring Equinox Circle on Wednesday 21st September. 
We'd love to see you there to help us raise money for the koalas of The Southern Ash Wildlife Shelter. Let me know if you wish to join us and please bring along a small bottle or jar for your collection of natural spring water and a piece of cloth to create your 'clootie'. Here are some images of these beautiful votive offerings at sacred wells - enjoy!
Clooties near Madron Well
St Mary's Well