Hanging Rock Mount Mac...

The Ghosts of Sanatorium Lake

Two days ago Tony and I went to draw water from the wells in the Wombat Forest to create new essences next week at the powerful New Moon Eclipse. On the way home we were drawn to head up  to Hanging Rock country on Mount Macedon and discovered an area that we had not visited before. Sanatorium Lake is named after the Sanatorium that was built in the forest at Mount Macedon in 1899 for sufferers of tuberculosis. The sanatorium burnt down in 1910. As we walked amongst the trees there was a serene and peaceful presence here, it made me wonder what this place was truly called before the very European and victorian name of Sanatorium was applied... in a couple of weeks I will return with my beautiful shamanic sisters to journey into the land to hear the name it had before the last 100 years. Love to all of the ghosts at Sanatorium Lake and to the ancient spirits who have dwelled here for millions of years before.  

Thresholds - drawing water from the forest well

Are you ready to take a wee trip to Wombat Forest and to Hanging Rock country? Yesterday we journeyed into the forest to collect the healing natural mineral spring water from the Spa Country wells for new essences for the Red Tent Dreaming event next week. You can see all of the photos here.
I am about to immerse myself in water witching with the essences & will be charging them up under the full moon. A deep well of love for your Full Moon creations this weekend x

Drawing from the Well

Yesterday Tony and I made the journey to the Wombat Forest in Spa Country Victoria to draw natural mineral spring water for new Daughters of the Well essences and aura veil sprays. We spent time observing the kangaroos just in front of Hanging Rock and enormous flocks of cockatoos. The minerals from the earth at this sacred place are just as important as the water that courses through it. I will be working with both elements tonight as I prepare new essences in the light of the Full Moon and they will be available from tomorrow. 
The magnificent Hanging Rock with kangaroos on the left side
Hanging Rock guardians and ancestors
View from the car window as we let the car get pulled by the natural magnetic force in Straws Lane
The spring beside the Well in Wombat Forest
 Tree reflection in the immersion pool at the springs

Returning Home Retreat at Hanging Rock

Danu of the Celts by Dean Morrisey www.deanmorrisseystudio.com

A heartfelt thank you to the beautiful women who attended our Returning Home Retreat at Hanging Rock last week. What a truly magical and deeply healing experience. Thank you all for journeying with us Beyond the Ninth Wave it would not have been so incredible without the individual beauty & powerful medicine you each carry within you.