"If you've been reading my work for any length of time, you know how important it is to me that our experience of the natural world is rooted in the place right where we live. So all of my nature musings are geared towards people who live in the Northern Hemisphere. If you are one of our friends who lives in the Southern Hemisphere, I know you are now approaching Autumn Equinox. I have not yet figured out a way to write authentically about my experience right here-and-now in a way that speaks to you too. Until I do, I'd like to direct you to Julia Inglis and Tony Esta at Sacred Familiar, who do really lovely seasonal work (among other things!) in Australia."
Gratitude: Joanna Powell Colbert and Gaian Tarot
The image you see above is from Joanna Powell Colbert's Gaian Tarot. Joanna is artist, author and teacher and for many years, she has been a huge inspiration to me. Perhaps it is because she too is a Water Woman that she feels so much like kin. I use the Gaian Tarot deck almost exclusively in our Swan Blessing healing sessions and balances and in most Tarot workshops and classes. I also use this deck daily to read for myself, to interpret dreaming, dive into the deep pool of the unconscious when I am too fixated on only what I see of the surface and to also attune to the rhythms of the Mother - Gaia. I have found this deck to be incredibly healing and gentle with a strong shamanic essence and deep connection to Mother Nature. If you are looking for a new deck to read with in these changing times or perhaps you are new to Tarot, I heartily urge you to begin your Tarot journey with the Gaian Tarot.
And this morning, we discovered that Joanna had just shared this message with her Gaian Tarot tribe:
Dear Joanna, we are so honoured and deeply thankful! I hope that one day we may share Tarot Dreaming together here in Australia.
For all those who wish to work online with Joanna in her amazing 'Gaian Soul Seasonal Practices', Joanna is taking registrations for her next 5 week course discovering the wise teachings of Spring. These courses are deeply nourishing and valuable to us all wherever we are in the world. A gift for all those wanting to learn how to listen and work with Mother Nature and awaken their own naturally creative talents.
Joanna! Love to you across the oceans mermaid sister.