Past Life Regression M...

Reincarnation of the Soul Group

Family in front of the family home in Merino, Victoria 1875
It is very common to be born into a lifetime with the same Soul Group of previous incarnations, often playing our very different roles and relationships. These groups can often be our biggest teachers. In both The Swan Blessing and Femmina Unbound Past Life sessions we sometimes need to understand and clear past life attachment to certain members. Often we need to release vows made to these members in the past so that we can love freely in this lifetime and make choices that serve us in the present.  
Below is the next section of the article we posted yesterday exploring the work of Dr Ian Stevenson discussing the many Soul Groups and attachments.

Principles of Reincarnation or How Reincarnation Works IISIS
Article by: Walter Semkiw, MD, from Born Again and Return of the Revolutionaries

From independently researched reincarnation cases, which in aggregate provide proof of life after death, the following principles are observed:

People appear to come into life in groups, based on shared karma and emotional attachments. Couples often come back together and entire family units can recur. When an individual reincarnates, other members of that person’s karmic group will be present. Identifying members of the person’s karmic group is another important criterion in establishing a past-life match.

Ian Stevenson did a very important twin study in which the past lives of 31 sets of twins (62 people) were factually validated. In 100 percent of these cases, the twins had significant past life relationships. The most common type of past life relationship was that of siblings, followed by friendships, other family relationships, then being spouses in the past incarnation.

Past Life Relationships of Twins

Siblings: 35%

Friends: 29%

Other family relationships: 19%

Spouses: 16%

Stevenson's twin study represents hard evidence that souls plan lifetimes to be reunited with loved ones through reincarnation. Two cases featured in this study involve the reincarnation cases of a set of Burmese twins, which also demonstrate physical resemblance from one incarnation to another. Image comparisons of these Burmese twins, who were sisters in their past incarnations, are provided above. Phyu reincarnated as San and Saipai reincarnated as her twin, Nyunt.

How do we connect with our karmic groups? The answer, it appears, is destiny. In analyzing past-life cases, it is observed that we all have a predetermined destiny or life itinerary which brings us to the people we are supposed to spend time with.

To better understand how destiny works, let us use the analogy of a journey. Think of your life as an extended vacation that you plan in advance. You decide who you want and need to see, where you want to go, and what activities you would like to participate in.

You coordinate your itinerary with the people you are to rendezvous with. You, your karmic friends, and loved ones all agree to the plan before you are born. Once you come into life, destiny ensures that you meet up with your karmic soul group.

The settings for karmic affiliations can be our families, work life and recreational pursuits. These settings are stages on which we play out the karmic dramas of our lives. This casts a new light on Shakespeare’s phrase, “All of life is but a stage.”

We meet up with different karmic groups at different points in life. When we get the urge to take a new job, travel to a new city, or take up a new recreational pursuit, many times this is a part of our destiny being played out. New venues bring us to karmic groups we need to be with.

Touring with the Swan

Deep in preparation for a tour with The Swan Blessing - Clearing Past Life Sacred Vows and Karmic Contracts. I will be offering these sessions from the magical Mount Tamborine in Queensland from 13th - 16th July, returning to Melbourne for sessions for a couple of weeks and then flying on with the Swan to Sydney for the week of 14th - 18th August. You can read more about these sessions: Freeing the Fearless Healers here. For all of our Queensland and Sydney friends please get in touch if you feel called to receive beautiful and freeing healing as I am already taking bookings for both cities.

Oceans of love, Julia

Clearing Past Life and Ancestral Vows and Beliefs


Julia Margaret Cameron: The Little Novice & the Queen 1874
'Julia, I feel like you are a big part of my healing. I wake up every day thinking is this me? Is this a dream? Thinking that I will wake up and it didn't happen and I will go back to before. I tap and feel my body every day. I feel like i have been in a box locked up for years and now I am free and let out, like a new life, a new start. I am still in shock of it all and can't believe how I feel. It's like I am back.'
Laura, Yoga Instructor,  2012

Clearing Past Life Sacred Vows - Balance Session

Sometimes it is only in doing the work that you come to truly know it. In particular, since the Autumn Equinox this year I have seen many clients, for energy balances and have to come to understand that the work I am doing is clearing past life and ancestral sacred vows, promises & oaths. I have been seeing an many people called to healing and artistic paths from all walks of life, coming forward to shed old vows and beliefs that are creating blocks in their healing work & personal lives in the present. 

Spiritual Vows include:

  • The vow of chastity - creating relationships difficulties and belief that we must choose either a vocation or a relationships, that we cannot have both.
  • The vow of obedience - causing a block to using your personal power in this life
  • The vow of silence - causing blocks to creative and individual expression as well as blocks to passing on sacred teachings in this life - in the past this may have resulted in death
  • The vow of poverty - creating a feeling of deep guilt in relation to creating financial wealth in this life
  • The vow of death before dishonour - relating to past lives as sacred warriors or soldiers and creates a block in being able to leave unhappy relationships or work that is deeply unfulfilling & even dangerous
  • The healer's oath - (forbade healers to use healing energy for themselves but to keep 'serving' others)
In the past many people called to the healer's path had to live lives hidden away from mainstream society or spiritual vocations that may have meant decades offered up in servitude to temples and churches. And of course many healers were persecuted and executed for their beliefs and for their earth wisdom and knowledge of natural healing. In those times, the making of Sacred and Spiritual Vows kept us safe and helped us to survive but in this life they create extreme circumstances that make living extremely difficult and create enormous blocks to sharing our powerful healing gifts with trust.
You can read more about this work and testimonials hereI feel so deeply honoured to be able to offer this work and I have made extra times available for sessions after the Full Moon next week as we move into the Dark Moon and then build up to the Eclipse - a natural time of bringing what needs to be examined to the surface of our lives. 

One Soul, Many Lives

'The Chequerboard' by Monica Fagan
Once thought of as mysterious, Past Life Regression has now been embraced by counsellors and therapists as a tool to heal and assist clients on the Soul's journey towards awakening and self-empowerment. By exploring Past Lives, we can bring profound healing and understanding to our current life situation, behaviours and relationships.
Once a year I hold a Past Life Weekend Intensive and this year we will be holding this workshop on the potent weekend of the Ancient Earth Festival of Beltane - a festival dedicated to celebrating Rebirth, Creativity and Life on Saturday & Sunday 29-30th October. Guided by the Celtic Star Goddess Arianrhod, Goddess of the Silver Wheel, the focus on this weekend will be Embracing Creativity and Love. 
On Saturday we will experience and heal Soul Memories of Past Lives that may be holding us back from expressing our Creative Gifts or finding and sharing Love for ourselves and others in this lifetime and on Sunday the focus will be on exploring lifetimes of great Joy and Soul Connection and embodying these innate and sleeping gifts again in our current lives now. 
Many of our clients are experiencing powerful shifts and healing through Past Life Regression at the moment and I feel this is due to the energy of the Changing Times we are experiencing. This energy is facilitating a sense of release, freedom and of shackles of the past being removed. I welcome you to step upon this  journey of healing, growth and exciting potential in a small, warm and friendly group of like-minded souls at the Spring festival of Life: Beltane.
I have a temple I do not visit
A heart I have forgot
A self that I have never met
A secret shrine.
Charles Sorlay