beeswax art

new encaustic weavings at Spring Equinox

sacred familiar
dear children of the Sun, 
wherever you are on our Earth
however you are experiencing flow in the turning of the Wheel
I hope your Equinox has brought a sense of Balance

here are some new encaustic weavings
for a textile project I am dreaming in
the medicine of colour
Spirit of Equinox, Oracle of the Bee
Julia Inglis
Bird Shaman

Owl Medicine

The Eye of Beauty looks with Love upon Perfectionism

Here are some recent encaustic beeswax paintings I created in between packing. Making art is a beautiful way to balance the 'busy-ness' of moving and a great cosmic escape from clearing the mundane clutter! The painting above was one that I did not feel anything 'happened in' at first and almost threw away. What I love about painting with beeswax is that very often you are asked to deal with your need for perfection. When I placed the image on our Facebook page and asked readers to tell me what they saw, it opened up a whole new world. I love looking through different eyes - you can read the comments here and I'd love for you to share what YOU see.
We are looking forward to offering encaustic workshops from our new nest in Sherbrooke Forest. How clearly the bee will speak in that forest sanctuary! The details for this workshop will be available very soon xx

Encaustic Art Kits - Last order for the year

Encaustic Oracle - She Speaks to the Eye of the Dolphin
Julia Inglis 2012
Last week I sold out of all beeswax encaustic supplies and have just received 2 more orders for the Encaustic Beginner Kits. So I will make one last order for the year for Beginner Kits ($115 plus postage) and also a full range of colours and papers. If you would like to order a new kit or supplies to take you over Christmas, please get in touch before Friday. Bee well, Julia x
Encaustic Oracle: Crow Mother
Julia Inglis 2012

Encaustic Workshops - Melbourne and Queensland

Here are the new dates for the latest encaustic workshops - I'm so happy to be able to bring this beautiful intuitive medium to our Queensland readers and clients! The Queensland workshops will be held on mystical Mount Tamborine - I can't wait to see the paintings that emerge in that lush rainforest.

Super Moon Encaustic Art

I hope you are all feeling the wild shifts of this very Scorpionic/Lilith Full 'Super' Moon. Here are some encaustic pieces I created last night in the glow of the moon. Our next intuitive encaustic (beeswax) workshop is this saturday and we are exploring the spectrum of GREEN. Are you hearing the call of the Bee? Details here

Voice of the Ancestors - the Wild Bees

There is an old saying about the secret wisdom of the bees: "Ask the wild bee what the druids knew." The more that I work with the incredible medium of beeswax to create art, the more I feel the message of the bees, the wisdom keepers of the Earth, the voice of our Ancestors - the Wild Honeybees. They ask us to slow down and taste the sweetness of life, they ask us to care for our own Queen Bee, Mother Earth. Bee Well.
Oracle of the Bee: The Crone's Message