melbourne shamanic med...

Artful Monday...

Some images to inspire as we prepare to journey with the Celtic shapeshifter, The Selkie at Winter Solstice this Wednesday evening.  

Juan Wijngaard, The Moon
'so how can we hope to float?' by Daniel Danger

Juan Wijngaard, Woman of the Sea

reblogged from the wonderful A Polar Bear's Tale

Sea Nymph, Edward Burne-Jones
Selkie by Forest Rogers

Total Lunar Eclipse & Celtic Shapeshifting Goddesses

Hello Everyone and welcome to the new members of our Circle,

Today we are in the building energy of a Full Moon Eclipse. This eclipse will be seen in our skies around 6am tomorrow morning and is a rare as on this night the Full Moon will plunge into the longest and deepest total lunar eclipse in more than a decade. 

Celtic Shapeshifters: Blodeuwedd (Owl-Woman) and the Selkie (Seal-Woman)
At Winter Solstice next week we will be meditating with the Celtic Shapeshifters Blodeuwedd and the Selkie who as well as teaching us about their own gifts and medicine will lead us into finding out who our very own Animal Totems are. In this one-night circle Tony will be passing messages from the animal world and each person will receive a message and a reading to help you on your path. 

This will be the last meditation circle run by Tony and I until late August as we will be taking a break to record meditations and create our new Shamanic Tarot Course: The Golden Temple opening at Spring Equinox in September. I still have a few places left for the Winter Solstice circle and this will be a lovely evening to invite friends and family to share in a night of exploring the Celtic Shamanic path and connection to their own Animal Totems. All funds from this evening will go to the aid of the animals of the Southern Ash Wildlife Shelter.
Please contact me to book your place and you can read more here: Winter Solstice Meditation  

Warm Wishes for this Full Moon Eclipse,
