The mist is rising here in the forest today and I am just about to light the fire before stepping into the Swan Blessing dreaming with our first clients for the day. We have lots of beautiful events coming up where we will be opening up dreaming wells to journey with Swan Medicine - please let me know if you feel called to join us.
New Swan Blessing Past Life Sessions:
We have just opened up 6 new sessions for this weekend:
Saturday in Sherbrooke Forest: 11am, 1pm and 3pm
Sunday at Tree of Life Centre in Kew: 11am, 12.30 and 2.30pm
Swan Blessing Winter Solstice Workshop in the Forest:
Enchanting the Dreamer - Spirit Doll Enchantment
1-6pm 22nd June at Kumbada Studio, 6 Ridge Road, Kalorama. Cost $135 (includes doll)
Releasing Past Life Vows from the Artisan
In this workshop at the potent point of Winter Solstice we will focus on clearing past life binding on creativity, intuition and the powerful medicine of the Artist. The essence of Swan Medicine is to open up Vision and you will see your own past lives and understand the binding promises, oaths and sacred contracts that have held your Wise Medicine in a spell binding of your own words. In releasing these past promises you will once again reclaim your natural ability as joyful creators and build new energetic pathways to the Dreamer - your Intuitive Self. Once you have seen your Dreamer, you will be able to create Her as we are led by Doll Enchantress, Nicole Ahava in a shamanic process of making our own Medicine Spirit Dolls. These dolls become magical talismans for you after you leave the workshop, travelling with you to help you to remember, hone and express your own Wise Creative Medicine. We still have a few places so let me know as soon as you can if you wish to join us.
Sydney Swan Blessing Tour - Imbolc: July 31st - Aug 5th
We are already taking bookings for our Sydney Swan Blessing sessions at Imbolc. Beautifully synchronistic as we hold these sessions at the gorgeous Blacksmith's Cottage on the feast of Brigid, patron goddess to Blacksmiths and Jewellers - all who work at transforming metal (like the chains of our binding promises), and goddess of healing, creativity and wise words. If you live close to Sydney we encourage you to book soon as these sessions are already full.
Sydney Workshop: Enchanting the Dreamer - Spirit Doll Enchantment
7 - 9.30pm, Imbolc 1st August at Desire Books, 3/3 Whistler Street, Manly Cost $80 (includes doll)
Releasing Past Life Vows from the Artisan and Spirit Doll Creation. This will be a shorter version of the Winter Solstice workshop but just as beautiful and deep for our Sydney tribe. We look forward to meeting you all at the wonder-filled Desire Bookshop. As such a lover of words I am thrilled to be bring Swan Medicine to such an enchanted bookshop.
For all those who have already journeyed with Swan, you are welcome to keep returning to work with your Wise Medicine as with each journey with Swan grows stronger and deeper. Below is a Swan Story I received this week from Rebecca - a beautiful release from her Vow to carry on alone.
Dream Well beautiful creatures, Julia x