spirit doll stories

Inspired by the Spirit of the Child

Tilda's wax doll Sacred Familiar This beautiful wax doll was created by 11 year old Tilda after being inspired by our medicine dolls. Tilda and her mum sent me an email this week titled : inspired by you. The thought that I had made something that could inspire a child to create gave me the best and happiest feeling in my heart all weekend. Thank you Tilda! I am being inspired by YOU!

The spirit of the inner child has been something that has been on my mind for the last month especially after the full moon when I began feeling such a strong sense of fear and exhaustion that it lead me to create a Tarot spread called 'shining a light on the scary'. Through having a deep and honest look at the beliefs that were creating my fears and the practices I was engaged in that were making me so tired, I came to see that the wisest part of myself was being ignored - my inner child. When I asked her what she wanted it was a simple answer: to create and create and create! And so I have decided to have a long break from teaching and working with groups to focus only on dollmaking and working in one-on-one healing sessions. This decision feels incredibly freeing and full of creative possibilities.

When I began to make dolls for what I thought was the first time last year (67 weeks ago exactly) I had no idea of the door I would be opening to my own ancestral medicine. I didn't know that dollmaking would be become such an important practice for me, yes, almost an obsession. But a happy obsession! Since I began last year I have a doll almost every single day and yet I am still just as excited to be creating dolls for others. It is a way for my inner child to speak to the inner children of others and a bridge to share friendship, comfort and the healing herbs, plants & stones of the earth. The full moon this month was in Aquarius, my own sun sign and on that night I made a dedication to my inner child to let her play. I dedicated myself to the craft of dollmaking and to creating the very best vessels of healing and love that I could. This commitment to do only what I love feels like a whole new chapter of my life.

Tilda's letter came to me not long after I had made this dedication to my own inner child. It was just the confirmation I needed. Tilda told me that she has been saving up to buy her own medicine doll and this week I get the pleasure and honour to dream and weave her in. When I asked Tilda what intention she would like her doll to hold she told me,

'The real main reason I want one of your dolls is because I want her to be my friend.'

Thank you Tilda for speaking so beautifully and truthfully for every child inside of us all. Thank you for inviting me to play and create this special new friend just for you.

Over the last year I've had a few requests for medicine dolls for children, boys and girls, and they have a special sparkle about them. A twinkle. Here are some of the dolls that are now best friends to those wise little beings.

Cosmic Cat & Butterfly Doll Wise Man doll by Sacred Familiar Merlin medicine doll by Sacred Familiar

Medicine doll for child by Sacred Familiar

the beauty of Marigold plant medicine

Over the last 3 nights I have been working with the beautiful solar radiance of Marigold (Calendula) plant medicine. These particular Marigolds were grown in Egypt and the dolls that birthed to carry this plant wisdom were both so full of love and came with a similar message - to walk beside you as a light in the dark night. As it is believed that the magical Marigold brings prophetic dreams, I made these two dolls particularly to be placed beside your pillow or on your bedside table at night. 

Marigold - Latin Name: Calendula officinalis, Catha officinalis
Also known as: Holigold, Mary Bud, Solis Sponsa, Occulus Christi

Calendulae means 'throughout the months' but the old Saxon name 'ymbglidegold' means 'it turns with the sun'. There is also a long association with the Virgin Mary.

Healing Qualities: reducing inflammation, wound healing, improves blood flow, calming affect on ulcers and cramps, eases menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. 

Magical Qualities: prophesy, prophetic dreams, psychic energy, seeing magical beings, love, clairvoyance, legal affairs and renewing personal energy. 

'Golde is bitter in savour
Fayr and yelow is his flouwr
The golde flour is good to sene
It makyth the syth (sight) brythe and clene
Wyscely to lokyn on his flowris
Drawyth out the heed wikked hirores (humors).'
From Macer's Herbal (trans. John Lelamoure, 1373)

Crow Shaman medicine doll

Marigold Flowers and Crow Feathers
Night Prophecy for the Children of the Sun
Dreaming and Vision Receiving Doll

Rosella Faerie medicine doll
Marigold and Hawthorn Flowers
Rosella Feathers & Star worn over her Heart
This doll was made on the Dark Moon and her medicine is simply:
'I will take care of you'
Healing the Heart with Light and Colour