Patricia Ariel

New Autumn Classes & Workshops

Serpentarium by Patricia Ariel

Hello Beautiful People,

Autumn is already bringing so many changes for us all and my deepest wish is that we can move through this time of growth with ease, grace and flow. Just like a snake shedding the old skin, we are all evolving, becoming the new self sometimes just through the simple action of acceptance of who we truly are and have always been. Tony and I have been so honoured to be a small part of the huge transformations that have taken place in the circles held this year. The energy is deeper than anything we have ever felt in all our years working together and it is a beautiful and humbling experience to be able to hold the space for such beauty & growth. I have great hopes for us all in these profound times.

As the work has deepened so much we have felt called to hold smaller classes in sacred space and we will be holding all circles after this week in our personal studio space. I am very excited about this as the energy has been gathering and building in this space like a deep well and this extraordinary painting 'Serpentarium' by Patricia Ariel will be taking pride of place in our studio as we all open up to our full potential.

If you feel called to deepen connection to your spirit at your own personal pace in a warm and respectful group of like-minded souls, these are the Autumn Classes still open for enrolment.

Oceans of love, Julia & Tony

New Moon in Pisces - This is the Sea

Patricia Ariel
Welcome to the New Moon in Pisces may the sea send a wave of blessings to you today. Here is the beautiful cover art created by the incredible hands of visionary artist Patricia Ariel for our new meditation CD 'Beyond the Ninth Wave'. 
I look forward to sharing her with you very soon. 
Oceans of love, Julia

Golden Dreams for your Summer Solstice

Vali by Patricia Ariel

Good morning everyone! Wishing you a beautiful Summer Solstice today. The incredible painting 'Vali' by my dear friend Patricia Ariel above was channeled and painted in one evening after I introduced Patricia to Vali Myer's art and spirit. I don't think any other artist has captured the essence of Vali so perfectly. She was a Solar Queen! Such is the inspiration and magical power of art and intuition. I hope that you feel the pure gold essence and joy of the Sun today.

Riverside Evening, Harold Hitchcock

The direct point of the Midsummer will be at 4.30pm. Make a wish and step into the music. Let's show up as our true selves in the Golden Light of 2012. More sharing, more art, more passionate creativity in nature's wild embrace!

A deeply felt thank you and enormous hug to everyone who has shared with us this year and we look forward to welcoming you into the music in 2012.

Waterfalls of honey, Julia and Tony xxx

We are all works in progress...

When we let go of perfectionism we can enjoy just being great artworks in progress. Here are some incredible artworks in progress by my friend and artist Patricia Ariel. Whenever I look at her creations she reminds me of just how beautiful we all are...

To view more of Patricia's visionary art please go to:

Love you Patty!

Experiment in progress by Patricia Ariel
Still untitled. Acrylics and pencil on gessoed masonite
The Travelers
The Travelers, acrylics and pencil on masonite board. Patricia Ariel
Sunny [illustration]
Sunny, pencil on bristol board. Patricia Ariel