Patricia Ariel

Animal Spirits: Patricia Ariel

Animal Spirits: Deer
Patricia Ariel 

 Our dear sister Patricia Ariel has been creating these beautiful Animal Spirit paintings over the last month. Patricia has created so many of the artworks you see in our healing space and in our Swan Blessing including our mandala. She is available for commission work and you can see more of her beauty here. You can see the full series of Animal Spirits and what she still has for sale at her StorEnvy site too. Love you Patty! You always inspire me xx

Animal Spirits: Hummingbird  
Animal Spirits: Cat 
Animal Spirits: Dragonfly
Animal Spirits: Crow

Changing Woman Project by Patricia Ariel

Patricia Ariel is an artist close to our hearts. She is a dear sister to us and is the creator of the Swan and Her Lady illustration you see in our emblem for Swan Blessing. For me, Patricia is someone who can draw and paint visions that speak straight to my heart, images that are in my dreams but hard to describe. Over the years I have loved seeing her create the mysterious visions that I have been feeling - almost simultaneously - and this is why so much of her art graces the room we hold Swan Blessing in - I believe art helps us to open immediately to the mystery and to the dreaming within.

Patricia inspires me so much, she recently conceived the Changing Woman project to raise awareness about women's issues and rights through the expression of art. Here she is talking about the project and her dreams for it - I love to hear her beautiful voice and I hope she inspires you to become a part of this wonderful project. 
You will see so many stunning artworks on the Changing Woman site and here are a just a few to wet your appetite. Go Patricia!

Reveal by Patricia Ariel

Reveal - for Changing Woman Project by Patricia Ariel

Original artwork: Reveal by Patricia Ariel
This beautiful treasure is being auctioned online right now right here (bidding ends Friday 3rd May) by my favourite artist and dear sister, Patricia Ariel to raise money for her inspiring 'Changing Woman Project' - bidding has just started - good luck!
Changing Woman Project

The Changing Woman project was conceived by artist Patricia Ariel and is focused on raising awareness about woman’s issues and rights, as well as promoting women’s empowerment through examples from real life.

The project’s goal is to create twenty-one art portraits of women with stories to tell about how being a woman in the current model of society has impacted their lives. Stories of trauma, abuse, neglect, struggle, and how they fought and thrived, being transformed by the hands of the artist in models of support and encouragement for other women under similar circumstances.

The project is being launched on the Indie GoGo crowdfunding platform in order to raise funds to make it viable and give to it a bigger and more embracing dimension. The goal is to put together an art show, a “behind the scenes” video for the internet, an art book, and to produce limited edition art prints which sales (along with the books) will support an organization for the protection of women.

The site was created to feature all the twenty-one works created for the project, along with their creative process. It will also feature works of artists all over the world on the theme on women empowerment and women’s rights.

Clear Eyes - New Moon In Capricorn

Natura - Patricia Ariel

Did you feel the shift in energy this morning with the New Moon in Capricorn? Time to get going now. Now is the time for practical decision making and more importantly, active steps to put it into place. I have been sitting in rooms of boxes for the last 2 weeks as we prepare to leave our home in Williamstown and move to Sherbrooke Forest. As much as I am excited to be in that enchanted green world, I have always found the process of moving very difficult. Hence, the sitting in half-packed rooms, suddenly caught up in old journals, letters, with all big shifts, anything that had been left unresolved in the past was dredged up kicking an screaming to be dealt with. Today is the first day that I have felt calm in the centre of the storm. I know what needs to be done and I have the plans in place to do it. That is the gift of a Capricorn Moon. For anyone still dealing with the tail-end of 2012, I hope that this power-packed fresh New Moon helps you to clear away the clutter.

On our path it is hard to know sometimes where we need to place our focus. We are often standing with one foot in the past and the other in the future - while the present goes unnoticed. No surprise to learn that the present moment is the only time that is real and if we ignore it too long it has a way of shaking us awake! We are going to experience even more change an upheaval in 2013 and we will be asked to shed, release and let go. We are shedding the veils that have kept us blind to our innate wisdom and authentic self. Like the sure-footed Capricorn goat we have a chance this week to climb higher and get some perspective on the journey. But only if we stay right in the present moment, placing one deft foot in front of the other.  With all senses open we become the awakened dreamer.
Charles Allen Winter (1869-1942)