Exploring Past Lives & Full Moon Vision Board Collage

Exploring Past Lives Workshop - 7pm Wednesday, 19th January 
In this interactive workshop we will discuss topics such as Soul Memories, Life Lessons & Karma, Why Soul Groups Reincarnate Together and Soul Mates. During the workshop you will also experience a regression to a past lifetime directed by your Higher Self to embrace healing so that you can move forward in the present. (3 places left)

Full Moon Visionboard Collage Workshop - 7pm Thursday, 20th January
On the night of the Full Moon we will use meditation & collage to work with the Universal Law of Attraction.  A vision board is a collage of the things you want to be, have, or do in your life. The purpose of a vision board is to activate the Law of Attraction to begin to pull things from the external environment that will enable you to realise your dream. By selecting pictures and writing that charges your emotions with feelings of passion, you will begin to manifest those things in your life. Creating a vision board can be a simple yet powerful visualisation tool to begin manifesting your dreams into reality. Please bring a small photo of yourself & any images that call to your heart to add to your collage (4 places left)

There are just a couple of places left in these workshops! Please let us know as soon as you can if you wish to join us.

Returning Home...

Hello Everyone,

this year I am over the moon to be holding a magical forest retreat for women in the sacred country of Hanging Rock. Our beautiful retreat house is nestled in 150 acres of tree-filled wonderland abundant with animals and we have our own personal chef cooking us yummy gourmet vegetarian meals. On this retreat we will focus on connection to the Divine Feminine and our Inner Knowing through meditation, sacred ceremony & the intuitive arts in the warm embrace of Nature and her plant & animal guardians. We are all so naturally gifted & wise but often have a hard time accessing deep peace due to our hectic lives. When we are in Retreat, we can hear the still quiet voice within and learn to trust and develop new pathways to our dreams. If you feel called to return to Nature and your True Self, it may be time to share this Returning Home with us. 

Starts: 11am Friday 8th April
Finishes: 4pm Sunday 10th April

The retreat is set in a luxurious property crafted by hand - enjoy warm fires, spa, gourmet meals
Communal room (6 beds in shared room): $620 ($570 early bird price if paid by 28th Feb)
Your own room: (7 available): $680 ($630 early bird price to be paid by 28th Feb)

Places are strictly limited to 13 people only so that we can work deeply. To reserve your place, please contact me as soon as you can,

Warm Wishes,


In praise of the Storytellers...

"For most of human history, 'literature', both fiction and poetry, has been narrated, not written - heard, not read. So fairy tales, folk tales, stories from the oral tradition, are all of them the most vital connection we have with the imaginations of the ordinary men and women whose labor created our world."  Angela Carter

Manifestation Mandala for 2011

Manifestation Mandala   www.fractalenergymandala.com
This year I am devoting much of my work to uniting the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine energies to create a sense of 'coming home to ourselves' and this beautiful mandala has been created to express this same energy. We can create amazing beauty in 2011 - let's express our true nature! This is what the creator has to say about the mandala:

2011 Manifestation Mandala
This is a powerful transcendent year, the numbers eleven and four are the principle energies manifesting a spirit of transformation for the year 2011. Eleven holds the space for spiritual awakening and transcendence, while the four brings dynamic energy into the physical form - Making Manifest the Deep Desires of the Heart. This year is in perfect harmony between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine which opens the opportunity for remarkable realized manifestations.

I open my longing heart to the full release of my deep desires both hidden and seen; I set my expectation to enter into and becoming one unto the manifestation of my desires. I am fully engaged with the Sacred Dance of intimacy between the Feminine and Masculine energies that give birth to my superabundant magical life. I see Heaven above mingled with Heaven below, my words becoming flesh and the thoughts of my heart expressed in actuality. And so it is...

If you would like a printable PDF version of this Mandala please sign up for Fractal Energy email list
You are Loved,

Thank you Keith!

The Silver Doorway - Advanced Tarot Course

For those of you who have completed The Path Within and been waiting for the 2nd step into the realm of Advanced Tarot, I'm happy to announce I am opening enrolments for The Silver Doorway starting in May. In this course we throw away the books and step deeper into our own Knowing and trusting our Intuition. Based on the Celtic mythology of the Ninth Wave, in these 9 weeks we will be working deeply with the Divine Feminine through guided meditation, reading intricate Tarot spreads, developing connection with your Animal Totems & Spirit Guides and most importantly, learning to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

To be eligible for this course you will have completed The Path Within and be ready to step through The Silver Doorway...