
Hawai'ian Ancestor Doll - why we cannot wait to be perfect

vision Quest Tarot with Sacred Familiar Recently I was asked by a friend who is also a maker and artist if it is a good thing to create something for someone else when we ourselves are feeling down or unwell. I understand this question, I used to worry about the same thing and very strictly only created when in my utmost health. But one day I created a doll for a woman in great need of assistance, she was suffering panic attacks and I wanted to make her a doll right then when she needed it most. On that weekend I was in a state of grieving for someone in my own life but as I sat with the soft wool in my hands with all that colour around me - my favourite part of dollmaking is playing with colour - I realised that I began to feel a lot brighter and happier. What I discovered at the end of the creation process was that not only had I made a very beautiful and joyful doll, I was feeling so much better. I have found this to be one of the significant benefits of creating a healing doll for someone else - we receive that healing too. We heal ourselves through the practice of creating and I feel especially that in the act of sending good wishes and intentions to another, we receive the same blessing. A blessing doubled.

Last week, particularly around the Full Moon in Cancer, a Wolf Moon and first full moon of the year, the intensity of energy was enormous. Two astrological posts that I found very helpful to understand the energy at the moment were by Hare in the Moon Astrology and Mystic Mamma. Recently I have been dealing with an old back injury that I used to get when I was much younger. I have come to understand it is emotional and caused from 'holding on' and 'holding back'.  Just before the full moon I felt whatever was lurking down there in the depths for too long suddenly and terrifyingly rise to the surface - it was as if a sleeping volcano had suddenly awoken. At the same time, I was weaving a doll for a beautiful Hawai'ian sister, Wai'ala. I asked myself: can I make this doll when I am feeling so much of my own fear? Hesitantly I began preparing the medicine bundle to go inside her doll. As I did, I kept hearing the word 'orchid' and getting the message to include this flower for her. I knew I had 2 orchids grown with love by Tony's mother but for the life of me I couldn't find them. Finally I gave up and began to close up the bundle. But I kept hearing a woman's voice very firmly telling me to keep looking! She was not one to be argued with and so I looked again and finally found the orchids - in the last package of course! I placed them inside the bundle and I could feel right away the doll was happy.

When I shared the message with the Wai'ala about being told to find the orchid, she wrote:

'It's local folklore that our Hawai'ian goddess Pele loves and treasures orchids and it's been said she moves her lava flow around certain ones to save them and consumes everything else around them; preserving them alive in a surrounding sea of lava. I have great joy that the medicine doll requested one'.

Medicine doll by Sacred Familiar

Ancient Oceans medicine by Sacred Familiar

On the night before the full moon I dreamt of an elderly man coming forward with a carefully wrapped box. Inside the box he said was an ancient crustacean. I felt very honoured but also scared to be it's keeper as if it was too precious and I was not worthy. I was also unsure how to keep it. I was then shown through a series of lessons on how to care for myself more and how to honour and protect the precious animal and mineral medicine gifts that I receive. I was also shown how to release what I had been holding on to. When I awoke from the dream it was as if I was still living in it, it was full moon and I was aware that I had work to do and instructions to follow from the dream.

I woke up and began to finish the medicine doll and as I wove the colours into her dress I saw that she would be holding a crystal skull to represent her ancestors and adorned with fossils of ancient oceans. As I placed the fossils into her dress I realised that the elder in my dream was one of Wai'ala's ancestors. In the weaving of the doll for his granddaughter I had created a space where he could enter my dream and assist me. On completion, the doll told me her name was FireOrchid Flowing Water Woman. At first I thought that her name was too long, I tried to shorten it to just FireOrchid but the doll was adamant again, she was also FlowingWater. I placed her in a large medicine circle with all of the medicine dolls, my personal dolls too and also all of the animal, plant and mineral medicines that go into the creation of each doll. I held a ceremony at the full moon singing gratitude to every creature, every being, my ancestors, Pachamama, my animals guides and all that help me to create the medicine dolls.

The next morning I awoke to read a new message from Wai'ala:

'I am so greatly honored, and full of bliss that while bringing her into creation my ancestors visited you and helped heal you and grow your natural talents. Their gift of the crustacean is so beautiful and inspiring. I've been seeking a stronger or more open connection with them, and felt a medicine doll would facilitate that amongst many other things, but I think that facilitation alone maybe most healing. It sounds like that connection was forged in many many ways. I have so many blisssful comments on all the details and beautiful work....but I'll only ask; Did I ever tell you what my name Wai'ala means?? It's my grandmothers Hawai'ian name and it translates to English as, fragrant flowing water; flower water, or commonly known as Flowing Water.'

I was blown away by this - I had no idea of the meaning of Wai'ala's Hawai'ian name or that this doll was intended to open the pathways of ancestral medicine. To receive this message was the just one part of the huge healing I received from Wai'ala and her ancestors - another was meeting this little tawny frogmouth. They have been walking with me this whole week and they are strong teachers! I am happy to say that I am practicing more gratitude and discipline around my medicine practices and have even released my hold on certain medicines that I was informed were not for me. It has left me with a sense of trust in what I'm doing and deep honour of the animal world, even the ancient creatures who are no longer existing in the same way on our earth but are still here in other forms.

I think sometimes we wait to be perfect to make something beautiful. If we do this, perhaps we will never create anything at all, thinking that we aren't there yet or aren't worthy. I feel that would be very sad for all of us and especially Mother Earth. Each creation is a ripple of love, a teaching from the mother in birthing with love. In these changing times there is so much healing and assistance available to us, especially when we create with the intention of helping another. We are all a little broken at times, we are flawed and a little ragged. We are all human and we are all in this together. Our shadow helps us to keep connected to compassion and empathy and when someone comes to us and they are facing their own dark night of the soul, we may know exactly what is needed. Because we have have been through it ourselves, we can give them hope to keep moving forward.  A tarot spread that really helped me to face my fears during this moon time was a shadow reading I call 'shining a light on the scary'.

My deepest gratitude goes to Wai'ala! I look forward to hugging you in person under the Redwoods at Spirit Weavers Gathering! And my deepest gratitude to your ancestors. I am honoured to share their message:

'Let go of what is not needed, protect what is sacred, remember the living ancients and trust in yourself.'

Thank you FireOrchid Flowing Water Woman.

Medicine doll by Sacred Familiar

Introducing The Black Swan - Black Moon Lilith Sessions

  • Astrology: Discover where your own personal Black Moon Lilith resides in your Astrological Natal Chart and how this influence has been felt in your life. 
  • Tarot: Let the esoteric symbols of the Tarot give accurate and practical advice on what is needed to be released and embraced in your personal Lilith story. How to polish the gifts Lilith has given to see their light. 
  • Past Lives: Delve deeper into your Lilith story through Past Life Healing to uncover and heal past wounds and to reclaim your ancient wise woman gifts of the Dark Feminine. 

Know Thyself.  At this time of the rise of the Divine Feminine we are being asked to embrace the full radiance of our Spirits. This radiance soon illuminates all aspects of our lives and we become aware of the 'orphaned' or 'outcast' traits of ourselves hiding in the shadows.  Shame, regret, anger and guilt about the past wounding of the Feminine are emotions we will focus on transforming as we cast them into the alchemical cauldron. This energetic transformation works to heal the splitting of our spirit that occurs when we begin to label parts of ourselves or areas of our life as 'good' or 'bad'. There is no such thing. When we heal this illusion & embrace the purity of our essence we see the wounds as signposts to our gifts as: the wise woman, the shamaness, the wild artist and the fearless lover. 

By embracing our 'night-time sister' we create a sense of wholeness & embodiment of the luminous, unbroken circle. In our Black Moon Lilith session together you will receive vital messages from the Dark Feminine about your current life and past lives as well as practical advice on how to own the beautiful and potent gifts awaiting recovery from the shadows. We are in the time of The Deep, a time of going beyond the superficial, beyond the influence of anything other than our own Authority. I welcome and invite every part of you to step forward in all of your wild splendour!

Welcoming the Dark Sister - Embracing Black Moon Lilith

The first of the Black Moon Lilith Illumination workshops has already filled within a week, showing me just how necessary and needed this beautiful shadow work is for us at the moment. For those of you who missed out on a place, I will be holding the next workshop on the Dark Moon in Gemini on Monday, 18th June. Please contact me with your birth details if you feel called to explore this illuminating work.

At this time of the rise of the Divine Feminine we are asked to illuminate the shadow aspects of lives to bring these 'orphaned' or 'outcast' aspects of ourselves into the luminous circle. Once embraced and loved they begin to become powerful traits and treasured gifts.

In this small and personal workshop held on the Dark Moon in Gemini a time when we can receive messages from our 'twin' or 'other' self, we will discover through Astrology where our Black Moon Lilith  resides in our Natal Chart. Through the ancient symbols of the Tarot we will find a language to help us to delve into the Deep, the Unknown to recover, honour and welcome every part of ourselves. It is time to reclaim the wise woman, the shamaness, the wild creatures. It is time to express our True Nature.

8 places available: please contact Julia with your birth details.

Welcoming the Dark Sister - Embracing Dark Moon Lilith

At this time of the rise of the Divine Feminine we are asked to illuminate the shadow aspects of lives to bring these 'orphaned' or 'outcast' aspects of ourselves into the luminous circle. Once embraced and loved they begin to become powerful traits and treasured gifts.

In this small and personal workshop held on the potent evening of Rebirth: the New Moon Eclipse on Monday, 21st May, we will discover through Astrology where our Black Moon Lilith  resides in our Natal Chart. Through the ancient symbols of the Tarot we will find a language to help us to delve into the Deep, the Unknown to recover, honour and welcome every part of ourselves. It is time to reclaim the wise woman, the shamaness, the wild creatures. It is time to express our True Nature.

8 places available: please contact Julia with your birth details.

Sitting with the Grandmothers at Dark Moon

I woke up this morning and saw this image over on the site of the woman of wonder that is Sister Wolf and I thought how apt it was for the energy of the Dark Moon at the moment. It is a particularly heavy Dark Moon tonight and tomorrow as we are processing the changes and experiences of our lives since the nineties - the era of Neptune in Aquarius. For some of us the last week has felt like a very lonely time, I saw an image of debris being washed up on the shore just then - as if the arrival of Neptune into Pisces earlier this month was a 'moving in time' and we are realising only now that this new energy is making us aware of old furniture and clothing in our 'house' that doesn't fit the new us. There may be relationships that we are seeing with new eyes & employment that feels so old and far away from who we are right now. I have heard from many clients who are experiencing changes in their workplaces that are out of their control - much like the 'dark night of the soul' this is the Dark Moon before the illuminating light of the New Moon in Pisces on Wednesday (9.35am). This New Moon is also conjunct Neptune making it even more magical and flowing - a truly incredible and quite possibly the most powerful New Moon of 2012. So whenever there is a build up to such an important time, we will feel this even more deeply than usual.

Goddess of the Western Isles by Iain Lowe

So in these next 2 days we cannot fight the release and really why would we want to? The Dark Moon is a time to rest, reflect without thinking to much - to open ourselves to feeling the loss of the old before we make way for the new. We are letting go of the old structures, work and relationships that have helped us so much in the last 2 decades and we need to release them as they will become prisons that our heart needs to move beyond in this new era of spiritual awaking. We are being called to be more connected to the voice of our own Spirit and to the voice of the land, our Mother Earth. In this time I will sit with the energy of An Cailleach - the Crone Grandmother of the Celtic Otherworld. This archetype is strong and sometimes fierce - she has no time for wasting - she helps us as we sit at the crossroads of our life. The crossroads are where we are right now, a liminal space of transformation right at the point of stepping out of the old and before we have taken a step into the new. This is a time to talk with our ancestors, our wise relations to ask for guidance and then to listen to our own hearts to find the direction our new path is taking.

The Little Mermaid, Karel Kachyna, 1974

So for everyone who is feeling the rise of debris from the old life as it hits the shore, don't try to hold on, to cling to the past - let go, there is another path waiting after the birth of the New Moon, a path bright & glittering. What is your new path? What is your new commitment to your Spirit? This may come to you over the next 2 nights - a beautiful time for consulting oracles, the Tarot and meditation. If you feel called to deepen the connection to your spirit with the wise old crone An Cailleach, we will be journey with her on Wednesday, the New Moon night as she helps to strip away the debris, the old self before she rebuilds us again, breathing new life into the new self. In this ceremony we call Commitment to Self, held on the date of 22.2.2012 a powerful day in the Mayan Calendar called the Red Solar Serpent Day, a day of creating Harmony within ourselves directed by the balancing energy of the Number 2 we will feel the threshold of the New Path just in front of us and at the New Moon take a conscious step into it.

If you wish to join us please let me know - we are donating all proceeds from this powerful and magically charged evening to the beautiful koalas of the Southern Ash Wildlife Shelter. Let's take that step into the future together.

And the song 'Anthem' by singer & poet Leonard Cohen that always helps me to let go... 'there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in'.

Neptune is Home

Welcome Home! At 6.05am this morning the planet Neptune the ruler of spirituality, mysticisim, imagination and dreams returned to it's home in the sign of Pisces and will stay there for 13 years. To celebrate I could think of nothing better than sharing the underwater photography of Zena Holloway & of course, Jimi Hendrix and his wildly prophetic, Valleys of Neptune. Lovers of music, art, mysticism...are you ready for the wave? Let's dive in!  

New Moon New Year Water Dragon

Hello beautiful people! Tonight we stepped through the threshold of the New Moon in Aquarius in the year of the Water Dragon - can you feel how light and flowing the energy just became?! This is the year of the Artist and if you'd like to read more about this and Neptunian wave of 2012, I have just written on this in the New Year New Moon Newsletter coming out tomorrow to all of our subscribers. Look out for beautiful artwork by Nadia Turner & Alex Gross. If you wish to receive a copy, please join our mailing list or you can email us at

Oceans of love,

Julia & Tony

Hello 2012 - we are ready

Hello Everyone,

I'm already so excited about this year, are you ready to paint and create and make art of your life? The planet Neptune will  take up residence in it's natural home, the sign of Pisces from 4th February for the next 14 years - a time to embrace our true selves and FEEL. This Neptunian energy is going to be HUGE for artists, musicians and all round crafty and creative people. That means you!

'Stars Shower Her', encaustic art Julia Inglis 2011

I truly believe we are all artists and naturally intuitive beings. I hope that this is the year that you open the door to full flow of creativity, intuition and a heart full of love for our plant and animal friends. Mother Nature needs our love and attention  and this is the year to bring about massive change in the way that we view our animal companions and the earth we live on, in, from.  I know these changing times are not a smooth ride but the more we can be present and open and passionate in our choices, the more we will have access to freedom, authentic relationships and a deep understanding of our own natural rhythms and the rhythms of our nature.

I welcome you all to join us this year in consultations and classes exploring creativity and spirit such as: Encaustic Art, Writing & Photography, Mythology & Symbology, Creating Our Own Oracle Decks, and new work combining Tarot & Astrology: Welcoming Home the Outcasts - Chiron the Wounded Healer and Black Moon Lilith. Some of these classes have already been listed and you can read more here.

So let's begin this incredible quest that is 2012 together. Are you ready...let's go! xxx

Preparing for the New Moon Eclipse - LET'S MAKE MORE ART!

El Oraculo Celoso, Mariana Palova 2011

Hello beautiful people,

well Mercury goes Retrograde today in the Dark Moon as we prepare for a New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius tomorrow - wow, how much can we handle?! The answer: EVERYTHING, we can handle everything. The key is to handle it in your own individual way. Some of us are going into Hermit mode while others are feeling the glorious Fire of Sagittarius and gearing up for the party season. I believe this incredible period of time we are living in where the Divine Feminine is rising from the depths again is about discovering, exploring and living your own true authentic spirit. So do what your spirit is urging you to do!
In the Dark Moon tonight is a perfect time to work with your Tarot cards to gain clarity and understanding of the changes that are happening and to create conscious pathways to a radiant future. I am so in love with the Gaian Tarot at the moment and have been using this nourishing and healing deck with all of my clients and in my own readings for myself. Here is The Seeker (The Fool) from the Gaian Tarot - an inspiring visual of the energy of this New Moon Eclipse.
Eclipses tend to activate breakthroughs and insights and sometimes illuminate and bring forward issues that we've been trying to hide from or avoid. And partnered with the energy of Sagittarius it could get fiery so be aware that with Mercury in Retrograde, mis-communication is a theme. I'd be giving difficult types a wide berth and instead focussing this creative and fire-filled time of rebirth into creative projects - tomorrow would be perfect day to create a new Vision Board for your dreams for 2012.

Below is the vision board I created for 2011 - I had no idea at the time that I would be working with water essences and healing with water, working with clients to bring light to the shadow-self or even to discover my own Black Moon Lilith in the Fire Sign of Leo - but here it all is waiting to be brought forward from the dreamworlds and very present in my unconscious. By engaging with our creativity we create portals to explore the magical and inspiring realms of our Inner Knowing. Let's make more art!

My Vision of 2011
Tomorrow Tony and I will be heading back into the Wombat Forest to draw water from the forest wells for new plant essences to be made at the New Moon Eclipse - I can't wait to see how the essences become energised on this potent day! 
Wishing you all a wonderful New Moon tomorrow, may you all be birthed anew in the warm embrace of Sagittarius.

Deepening the Connection - New Classes and Workshops

I welcome you my sisters to join me as we celebrate music, mythology, symbology and reawaken our Wise Woman gifts in warm and friendly circles dedicated to remembering the Ancient Worlds of our Ancestral Memory. As we rediscover our deep bond with Mother Nature we naturally develop our forgotten gifts of prophecy, creativity and healing. Join me as we celebrate the Moon Mysteries of Mother Nature in all of her wild and abundant beauty. 
Join us in the music, transform in the sound.

As we journey on our Immramma (Irish for 'Wonder Voyage') we will enter a realm of mystery, magic and healing. On these journeys we will encounter the Wise Teachers, Healers and Guardians that all reside within us. We already know these helpful energies intuitively as you will discover as we reclaim our Ancient Ancestral Wisdom and Mythic Story.
Who will step forward to guide you along these ancient pathways? In this 6 week course of Journeying and Oracle Reading you will gently bring your focus to your new companions, begin to trust your Intuition and learn to have faith in the messages your receive from the natural world around you, to your animal messengers and plant guardians. 

When we connect to the Wise Healer Within, like the wise Shaman, we begin to understand the patterns and signs of the daily Oracle of our lives. In these warm and relaxed circles you will widen your own circles of friendship and develop your own daily shamanic practice of finding and keeping Sacred Space so you can remember your beautiful and ancient relationship with Mother Earth. By journeying with the music we connect to the elements through sacred smudging and water blessing, forming deep bonds with our Spirit Guides and Animal Totems. After each journey we will explore further learning with various oracle systems to helps to understand and heal from the messages and symbols we receive for ourselves and for others.