A Tarot Honeycomb

Full Moon by Flora McLachlan

Last night at the Piscean Full Moon a new Tarot circle came into being. Thank you to all of the beautiful women who stepped into The Path Within together. I hope your journey is one of mystery, magic and healing as you reclaim your own ancient ancestral wisdom and mythic story.

To celebrate the Full Moon we each placed a wish into a candle, placing them into a spiral bowl of natural spring water from the Wombat Forest well. As we connected to our intention we listened to the recording of honeybees within a sacred hive.  I left these candles to burn and in the morning this is what they had a created: a gorgeous Tarot honeycomb of bright wishes.

Blessings and love to the new members of our Tarot circle, may all your wishes be golden.

Forest Well Essences

Before taking a month off in July-August I told everyone that I was going away to 'fill the well' - I had no idea of how prophetic this expression would be. In this time of well-filling Tony and I travelled around Victoria visiting waterfalls, oceans and natural spring healing wells in Victorian forests and you can see some of these beautiful sites here. We will be working with the healing water from these sacred wells and the Celtic healing practice of 'clootie making' in the Spring Equinox Circle - read more about clooties here

In these green and wild places I became inspired by the incredible beauty and immense healing power of sacred water sources. This burst of inspiration has led to the creation of Forest Well Essences. Vibrational flower essences that we are blending with natural spring water from the Wombat Forest. 

The first batch has already begun flowing out to our students and we have had some wonderful and confirming feedback of their powerful and grounding effects. I have just 13 bottles left until we venture into the forest to connect and collect from the wells again. We are only making these first essences available to our subscribers. This first essence is 'Energy Protector' dedicated to the strong and protective Scottish goddess Scathach. This blend has been created from elemental flower essences from the sacred gardens of Findhorn in Scotland and healing water from the geothermal springs in the Wombat Forest. 

We have created this essence to help create Sacred Space and Grounding when you need it. It is a beautiful essence to help you ground during difficult times or before meditation and to protect your energy and sacred space when you are experiencing negativity from outside sources. It is also a very helpful companion for anyone working as a healer, counsellor or teacher to create sacred space and cleanse energy in your healing rooms. 

If you would like to purchase one of the remaining bottles of Energy Protector they are $15 on their own or $10 if booked with your healing or reading appointment. Warm Wishes and may you be inspired by the wonderfully intuitive and water-filled Pisces Full Moon this Monday, 

Julia & Tony

Clootie Wells

Sancreed Well IMGP1838 by nighthawkjw
Sancreed Well IMGP1838, a photo by nighthawkjw on Flickr.
You may have noticed, I've become quite obsessed with healing wells and sacred water sources of late. Recently I remembered the beautiful and mysterious Clootie Wells of the British Isles and Celtic lands. Clooties are pieces of cloth that have been dipped into a holy spring or well and are then tied to trees around the well with a prayer or as a dedication to the deities or spirit of the well.  We will be learning more about this ancient tradition and creating our own healing clooties with healing water sourced from the Wombat Forest at the Spring Equinox Circle on Wednesday 21st September. 
We'd love to see you there to help us raise money for the koalas of The Southern Ash Wildlife Shelter. Let me know if you wish to join us and please bring along a small bottle or jar for your collection of natural spring water and a piece of cloth to create your 'clootie'. Here are some images of these beautiful votive offerings at sacred wells - enjoy!
Clooties near Madron Well
St Mary's Well

New Facebook Circle - Llewellyn Tarot Spring Giveaway

The Bride (La Marie) by Isabelle Bryer
Hello Tribe, 

today we are truly feeling the tendrils of spring reaching up from the earth...sun shining and dreams beginning to sprout. In the theme of Spring and growing community, we have created a new Facebook page for Sacred Familiar (simply click here) and would love to catch up with you all there.

Llewellyn Tarot Spring Giveaway: To celebrate the launch of our our page and new forest circle in the Facebook worlde, by simply clicking on the 'Like' button on our page until the Aries Full Moon in October, you will automatically go in the running for one of two Llewellyn Tarot Gift sets.

The Wheel of Fortune - Llewellyn Tarot
Temperance - Llewellyn Tarot

The Fool - Llewellyn Tarot

The Llewellyn Tarot is one of my favourite Tarot decks, blending Welsh Celtic mythology with the structure of the traditional Rider Waite Tarot - very easy to read and the images and stories in the accompanying book are fascinating. To be in the running, come and say hi and 'Like' our page and wishing you all good luck in your Spring dreaming!

The Spirit of Nature - hello Spring!

The spirit of nature in Bec's garden in Tasmania

In the last month I have been creating a new blend of plant essences and healing water from the natural mineral springs here in Victoria. And it has been beautiful to spend time connecting to the spirit of the green world. My friend Bec in Tasmania sent me this photograph taken in her beloved garden. This photograph led me to remember photos I took behind my mother's home on the Central Coast in NSW. My mother said that she has watched these two beautiful plant beings over a long time and feels that they are very sacred. I call them 'Mother and Child' and I can see the child's face so clearly and also a formation like little antlers coming from the mother's head.

Photos like this help us to step away from our need to be constantly 'entertained and distracted' by electronic noise. Have a look in your garden... who is waiting for you to look beyond the veil?

Red Catherine Johns

I just discovered this lovely little film about my dear friend, Red Catherine Johns a wonderful and inspiring Romany woman and activist for our animal friends. I will be catching up with Red when she gallops into Melbourne in October and I'm hoping we can organise a night for her to share her Romany wisdom and deep well of knowledge of the Divine Feminine. Can't wait to see you Red and we've got the kettle on for you already!

Gypsy Roma Travellers

Thanks Carolyn for this link to this great site: Gypsy Roma Traveller Leeds a permanent site for the Gypsy Roma Traveller communities. I have been engrossed in this beautiful collection of photos from the Gypsy Lore Society at Liverpool University. Their emblem and totem is the Wagtail a bird that travels far and wide and is found in Britain, Iceland, Norway, Africa and Australia.

The motto for Gypsy Lore Society is in Welsh Romani : 
'Oke Romano Chiriklo Dikasa E Kalen' 
('Behold a Wagtail...And You Shall See the Gypsies.')