Following the Spirit Map to the Grandmothers


Cross Bones Graveyard, London, England

Swan Pools and Cloutie Trees, Cornwall, England

St. Nectan's Glen, Tintagel, England

Swan Circle and Dolls for the Magdalene Laundries, Dublin, Ireland

Dolls for the Ancestors, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Swan Circle and Doll for the Witch of Pittenweem, Scotland

Julia and Tony - Sacred Familiar

We remember

“Tony and I standing on the church tower in Pittenweem, Scotland overlooking the exact spot behind the Priory where the women persecuted as witches were burnt. I feel very calm and strong when I am in these places not overcome with emotion as I expected to be. There is a focus in this work that gives me peace - I know that sounds odd. An hour later it grew dark and we gathered with local women, some connected directly to the descendants of these persecuted women. As we stood and spoke their names into the sea two seals swam into the harbour beside us and played. We walked right to the Priory and into the garden, we stood on the ground of the burnings and placed a doll in the rose bush for their spirits. We each quietly spoke our wishes for the women of the past and for the women of the future. These are small acts but they can have an effect. A ripple can become a wave.”

Julia Inglis, Pilgrimage for the Witches, Pittenweem Scotland 2016

Sacred Familiar Story Tree