
The Path Within - Last Tarot Course for 2011

Hello Everyone,

I have just 2 places left in the final course of The Path Within. This circle will open on Full Moon, Monday 12th September and finish up at the ancient earth festival of Beltane on 31st October. This group will be very small - strictly limited to 6 participants only so that we can work deeply and will be the last time that I offer The Path Within for 2011. 

If you feel called to study the Tarot as a tool for creating healing, to reconnect to nature and to open up a direct pathway of communication with your Higher Self, please let me know,

Warm Wishes,


Happy Awakenings at Imbolc and a big ROAR for all the Leos!

Michael Hiep - 'Awakening of Spring (Element: Earth)'

Today we celebrate the ancient Celtic Festival of Imbolc - a time of new beginnings and the awakening of the world below the Earth before Spring. This is also the feast day of the Goddess Brigid and I love to think of the Michael Hiep's Awakening of Spring as a young Brigid waking up deep within the earth. At this time of the year we may not see much change above the earth but we sense the heartbeat of the Earth growing stronger, animals awakening from hibernation, new animals being born, plants recharged and sending new green tendrils up through the soil. I am always reminded of Imbolc when I smell jasmin for the first time after winter and there is an abundance of it in gardens at the moment. Imbolc is a beautiful time to begin gently moving towards the dreams you wish to see bear fruit in the Spring and Summer months ahead. And today we are feeling the bright promise of the New Moon birthed last night. A perfect day for planting the seeds of your new life.

This morning I woke up thinking about the first class of our Women's Celtic Mysteries Course: Healer, Mystic, Creatrix. Our first class will be focussing on the Element of Earth with Airmid Irish goddess of herblore and herbalists. I wondered how she will teach us to heal ourselves and the gaelic words 'Oran Mor' rang in my ears. Oran Mor is the gaelic 'song of creation' or 'great song'. It is the song that births our world and creations into being and it reminded me that we can allow ourselves to be born into a new life every minute.

'The Restorers' from The Druid Plant Oracle. Illustration by Will Worthington 
'It is this primordial myth that, like a Celtic knot, weaves throughout the entire corpus of the Celtic mythos, knitting an interwoven, cohesive mythology. The Oran Mór, as the primordial "sea melody," flows through the myths and legends of submerged lands, mystical springs, life-giving cauldrons, and holy grails. As Wisdom it "fills the head," and gives meaning to the severed heads that so disturbed Caesar. It is the "creative melody," always creating, both in the hearer and in the one singing. It is the myth of Uaithne and Boand who bear the three strains of music: innocence, sorrow, and joy. It is The Song of the Three Cauldrons giving and receiving creative blessing in its song. The words of the song are as diverse as there are people to hear it; always taking their meaning from their divinely breathed sound, never from that design which we impose. The Oran Mór’s divine sound gives meaning to – no, creates – the Celtic languages.'
'Oran Mor: The Primordial Celtic Myth' by Frank Mills

I encourage you to work with this beautiful chant at either sunrise or sunset (when the Celts believed the next day truly began). By singing this chant and bringing conscious energy to the experiences, healing and love we wish to create in our lives we connect to the divine and powerful spark of life that dwells within us all.

I have just 2 places left in Healer, Mystic Creatrix so please let me know as soon as you can if you feel called to learn more about the Celtic Mysteries.

And we have the bold and creative fire of sign of Leo to walk with us this month - happy birthday to all the wild and beautiful Lions!

New Moon in Pisces

Rolling in the Deep
Crystal Gazing, Vogue 1919. Photo by Baron Adolph de Meyer
Today we are swimming in the deep blue waters of a New Moon in Pisces, Sun in Pisces and Chiron in Pisces. This New Moon feels emotional and may have a pull from Chiron to 'retreat to the cave'. Help your emotions to flow by engaging in a new artform instead of trying to escape these deep emotions and reaching for the alcohol or chocolate (the shadow path of the Piscean). Pisces teaches us to feel deeply and honour our emotions and then to channel this into beauty, creativity and love. 
I have just discovered Encaustic Art as a fantastic tool for channeling emotions and I think it would be particularly potent for exploring wild and overwhelming feelings. Encaustic Art is a 2000 year old art form used by the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans. Encaustic literally means 'burnt in'. It utilises beeswax mixed with pigments and resins as a painting medium. This medium is painted with a hot iron or stylus or brush. 

These are some of the pieces I created last week and I'm really enjoying the wild, messy freedom of working with this medium. The colours are vivid and you have to give up control completely as the beeswax flows and drips across the page following it's own flow. Perfect! The myriad of images it creates within the patterns of beeswax are fascinating and perfect for divining and 'looking into'. I can see so many little stories here - what can you see? If you are 'rolling in the deep' today, this is for you.

The Path Within 3-Day Tarot & Healing Course

For those of you who might find it difficult to travel to Williamstown for the night classes of The Path Within or can not commit to a 3 month course period, we have created The Path Within 3-Day Weekend Intensive to be held over the weekend of 14th-15th May and the following Saturday 21st May 2011. In these 3 days you will learn to read the ancient symbols of the Tarot as a healing tool for yourself and others, learn techniques to deepen your Intuition and communicate with the Higher Self and Reconnect to Nature.

The Path Within is a Healing Course, creating Sacred Harmony and Connection to Nature through the ancient symbols of the Tarot. I am most passionate about teaching others to 'be your own healer' and by imparting the Tarot Mysteries I hope that you discover the 'Oracle Within' yourself.  As a pathworker, I merely stand at the doorway to the Temple of Yourself - the magical world of Tarot embraces symbology, mythology, astrology, numerology and beauty in all it's guises. 

This course is perfect for absolute beginners to Tarot and is also open to anyone who would like to build on their current Tarot skills in a warm and creative group. It is important to note that this course will not be used in replacement of professional counselling or therapy where needed. When we take The Path Within we are embracing responsibility for the creation of manifesting the lives we truly desire in a warm and well-grounded environment of like-minded souls. 

Book Now.

Sea Cave in Chile

Can anyone else feel the Neptunian energy getting ready to pour over us? If you have been feeling drawn to the sea, to wearing new colours and exploring your creativity...get ready, Neptune is coming. I will write more on the new astrological shifts soon but here is a photo (yes it is real) of a sea cave in Chile. In my dreams I live here...

"Puerto Tranquilo, Aisén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo - Chile."

The Silver Doorway - Advanced Tarot Course

For those of you who have completed The Path Within and been waiting for the 2nd step into the realm of Advanced Tarot, I'm happy to announce I am opening enrolments for The Silver Doorway starting in May. In this course we throw away the books and step deeper into our own Knowing and trusting our Intuition. Based on the Celtic mythology of the Ninth Wave, in these 9 weeks we will be working deeply with the Divine Feminine through guided meditation, reading intricate Tarot spreads, developing connection with your Animal Totems & Spirit Guides and most importantly, learning to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

To be eligible for this course you will have completed The Path Within and be ready to step through The Silver Doorway...