Bangarra - Terrain

On friday night Tony and I went to see Bangarra Dance Theatre, Australia's leading indigenous performing arts company. Their latest production, Terrain, is dedicated to the spiritual resonance of Lake Eyre and the story of resilience and connection to the land. If you get a chance, please go to see this mesmerising performance. I read yesterday that Terrain premiered just days after the Arabana people won non-exclusive native title to 69,000sq km of South Australia around and including Lake Eyre. The power and magic of art.
The Past
Let no one say the past is dead
The past is all about us and within
Haunted by tribal memories….
Here I sit in easy-chair before electric heater,
The chair and heater are but since yesterday
But a thousand camp fires in a forest are in my blood.
Let no one tell me the past is wholly gone
Now is so small a part of time
So small a part of all the race years that have moulded me.
Oodgeroo Noonuccal (KathWalker)

Drawing from the Well

Yesterday Tony and I made the journey to the Wombat Forest in Spa Country Victoria to draw natural mineral spring water for new Daughters of the Well essences and aura veil sprays. We spent time observing the kangaroos just in front of Hanging Rock and enormous flocks of cockatoos. The minerals from the earth at this sacred place are just as important as the water that courses through it. I will be working with both elements tonight as I prepare new essences in the light of the Full Moon and they will be available from tomorrow. 
The magnificent Hanging Rock with kangaroos on the left side
Hanging Rock guardians and ancestors
View from the car window as we let the car get pulled by the natural magnetic force in Straws Lane
The spring beside the Well in Wombat Forest
 Tree reflection in the immersion pool at the springs

The Heart of Winter Full Moon Women's Circle

Hello Bright Ones, we are drawing up to the full moon and in this month's Full Moon Women's Circle we are honouring the spirit of our ancestors. Please bring a photograph or personal object that helps you to connect with the energy of your own ancestors as well as that of the Ancestral Realm.

This is a photograph of the hut that my grandmother grew up in on the banks of the Hawkesbury River in NSW. Her life is a mystery, so many secrets and untold stories... without this knowledge available to me through the surviving members of her family I must search the Ancestral Realms for my own answers. I look forward to sitting and talking with my Grandmother in the Deep.

Oceans of love to you all in this Full Moon week, Julia

Give 10 for a Ted - Koala Initiative

The wonderful Colleen Wood and her volunteers at the Southern Ash Wildlife Shelter do such an amazing job without any government assistance at all. And they have just launched the easiest way possible for you to help support the hundreds of koalas they have saved along with other orphaned and injured wildlife. The new initiative is: 'Give 10 for a Ted' - become a loyal follower and help out one of the beautiful koalas needing assistance for just $10. 
Here's a message from Colleen:
Good Afternoon Team Koala... 
Southern Ash is launching the “Give 10 for a Ted” initiative. 
Via our social media outlets we will pick a monthly date and each month announce to our loyal followers that it’s time to “Give 10 for a Ted”. 
By 10, we of course mean $10 donations. You can make a donation for one month, every three months, or every single month if you prefer. It’s not a direct debit system so it’s entirely up to the generosity of our supporters. This money will be used for the daily operations of the shelter such as milk supplements, transport for sick animals, vet bills, medications and medical supplies.
Direct debits can be made to:
Southern Ash Wildlife Shelter Public Fund • BSB: 033 128 • Account #: 186132
So Team Koala.... Its time to GIVE 10 FOR A TED! :) 
Here is a link to the Southern Ash Wildlife Shelter Facebook page - it's so easy and very needed. A big koala hug for you all today xx

Threshold Creatures - Between Land & Sea

I am beginning to feel that the Platypus is the Australian Otter - I adore both of these threshold animals that can survive just as well in the water as on land. The Celts had such reverence for animals who guarded the thresholds. Otter is an ancestral totem for me and I am only just discovering and learning more about the platypus.

Here is the platypus pool at the Southern Ash Wildlife Shelter - looks like heaven to me.

Dreaming in Beeswax at Winter Solstice

'She Wandered as if in a Dream' - Encaustic Oracle created at Winter Solstice

 A hearty fire-filled thank you to all of the participants who shared their creativity in the WInter Solstice Encaustic Workshop on Saturday. I have never seen the beeswax talking so clearly to the artist through image and symbol. And I am already so excited to see how the wax will speak and move in our workshop on magical Mount Tamborine in QLD next month. Golden dreams from the blessed bee.

Oracle making in front of the fire

The Weekly Familiar - Emu

The Weekly Familiar - an Animal Message from Tony

This week's Familiar is EMU.

Emu: The emu is a very inquisitive bird. It's message is one of constant learning and searching all avenues. For emu, it does not matter who is teaching as long as we are learning, therefore the emu shows us that we are all student and all teachers in one way or another. The emu shows us there is never just one way to go, not one path but many. By gathering and learning as you go, you make your own path to follow. Treat everyone and everything as a teacher and embrace learning, in doing so you will create a path that is right for you and will become the teacher for yourself. The Emu.

Be Wild!
