Rest Assured Your Love is Pure - Swan Blessing

Sir William Russell Flint Le Morte D'Arthur 1910

With every journey we make with The Swan Blessing, Swan's message of immortality and the purity of our Soul gets stronger. We carry so much pain, shame and guilt that is not ours, that is not true. To all of the beautiful sisters and brothers coming forward to release past life memories of the witch burnings, we are honoured to share this truth with you. Your love is pure.

Reading the Signs - The Seer Awakens

This was the sight waiting for me as I stepped outside for a walk yesterday. A neighbours home being demolished in a matter of minutes. I felt everything shaking around me. In the last week Tony and I have been saying goodbye to our home in Williamstown, farewell to the sea, to the sea birds, to our beloved swans. 
As I stood taking this photo a man with a dutch accent came walking down the street with his dog to stand with me. He seemed to sense that something deep was shifting within me as I stood there and said, 'It is not a home, it is only timber.' I understood his message, that home is what we carry inside of us. He was helping me to detach: 'They take so long to build but they come down quick.' He smiled at me and walked on. I told Tony that I wondered where this man had come from. He was dressed like a tradesman but was not working on this site and I didn't recognise him from around our street. When I turned the corner I walked into a tribe of dragonflies - so many, so huge! I could hear their wings as they moved around me. They seemed to also be whispering: 'let go, let it all go. What is coming is even better.' 
Change is difficult for us all but many of us are hearing messages this year to let go of the past and to re-invent ourselves anew. I feel grateful to have received so many messages this year that have prepared me to begin our move from the Sea to the Forest. I was instructed first through visions to share The Swan Blessing and to take it around Australia - something I would not have dreamed of only last year and it has been an incredible experience for us, connecting to healers and artists all over the country and beyond. I was told to wind down our classes and workshops 2 months ago, even though I did not know why. And then 2 weeks ago we were instructed it was time to move. I have even dreamed of the forest we are moving to 3 months ago when I had no idea that we would be leaving. These messages are gifts. They are channeled through our spirit, from our guides, from the realms of nature itself...
I am creating a new world in the forest for Sacred Familiar and The Swan Blessing and I look forward to sharing this world with you all through an online course called 'The Seer Awakens'. In this weekly communication Tony and I will be sharing the messages we receive, oracle readings and spreads to share with you so that you can deepen connection to your own intuition, recorded meditation journeys in the forest and of course, delicious and inspiring art, photographs and visual delights. This will be a way for us all to begin Awakening the Seer, reading the signs of assistance from our own Spirit and Mother Earth. We will have more details of this journey soon.
For anyone who is facing challenges at the moment, perhaps they are a push to release, to let go and to become the newly invented self. I encourage you to listen to your dreams, your intuition and to pay close attention to the natural world around you. To 'see' with every sense you have is to truly embrace the gift of The Seer. This gift is open to us all but we have to believe and trust in the messages we receive even if we are receiving them in ways that are unique to our own spirit. Such is the time we are living in, a time of innovation and awakening. 
As I sat with the message from Dragonfly, I found this beautiful Aboriginal Dragonfly artwork and story of the Dragonfly by Norma Benger whose people come from Wadeye, Woodycupuldia in the Daly River region on her mother's side, and Barrow Creek, in Central Australia on her father's side. Norma has worked for Menzies School of Health Research for 13 years and is currently working on the causes and effects of rheumatic fever. 

Ngummama - Dragongly by Norma Benger

When babies are born in the dry season this is also the time of the birth of the dragonfly, which hums and buzzes around the air excited about the birth of the new season.
The grandmothers catch the dragonflies to test babies' hearing, making them buzz near the babies' ears. When a baby responds we know that they have good hearing. If not, the old ladies bring the dragonfly closer so the baby can feel the vibration and the sound of its wings, then she sings to the spirits and the dragonfly, "we all must look after this child together to help him to grow and be able to communicate".

So, if you see a dragonfly buzzing around a baby, it is just looking and checking the baby's response because that's what they do. In the past, everyone worked together - dragonflies, grandmothers and the spirits.

Ngumumma - Dragonfly - Artwork descriptionThe centre of the artwork represents the baby and the subject of hearing, the outside circles joined by the dots are the links between families, organisations and other people working to help in the fight against ear disease and hearing problems in Aboriginal people.
Norma Benger

Beltane Blessings of Fire!

Tonight in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate the ancient festival of Beltane - a faerie festival of fire, passion and fertility and a time to connect with the Otherworld. Whether you are celebrating with friends, your beloved or alone, create your own personal ritual to explore your connection to the earth's fertile spring energy. It can be as simple as lighting a candle with the intention of allowing more fun and excitement to enter your life. Or you may have a new creation waiting to birth, bless your creations tonight and allow yourself to remember that you are more than flesh and blood - you are a being of Spirit and there is so much assistance and love for you in the Otherworld.
This beautiful Spring Festival is a time of planting seeds for the Summer months ahead. What do you wish to see fruiting in the next 6 months? We are all being asked to shed the old in this changing year of 2012. Innovate and create the new you. At Beltane the Faery Queen makes love with the Green Man - the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine - the fertility that is created with the marriage of the magic and earthly realms.
I will always remember the sight of the May Queen at Edinburgh at the Beltane Fire Festival many years ago. She reminded me of how close we are to the magical realms. I watched her like a child in wonder. I had been through a time where I had forgotten to let my feet dance, my voice sing and that my own body was the best artist's canvas. She reminded me of the power of Sacred Play. Tonight let yourself be close to magic again. Decorate, dance, feast, make love, sing your life back into a bright flame!
Beltane Fire Festival Edinburgh

William Ricketts Sanctuary

On Saturday Tony and I visited the William Ricketts Sanctuary in Olinda and we were blown away by the potent energy of the land and beautiful sculptures by William Ricketts dedicated to the honouring of the Aboriginal spirit. We loved the balance of truth and beauty. For those of our tribe who live in Victoria we urge you to visit this extraordinary sanctuary, it is truly a treasure.

Swans Preparing for Flight

Sulamith Wulfing: Underground 1955
Sulamith Wulfing: The Golden Ball  1955

Dear Melbourne Swans, Over the last couple of weeks we have all been feeling tremendous shifts and changes, so much shedding and release. We thank all of the beautiful souls who came forward to receive the Swan Blessing and release the ties that bind from Past Life promises and vows in this potent time of change. Such amazing Swan Stories.  If the Wild Swan is calling to you, we will be in Melbourne for 2 more weeks of personal sessions before flying to our Qld tribe to hold sessions on mystical Mount Tamborine. It is our greatest love and gift to create the sacred space for you to spread your own Swan wings.

Shining Ones! You are more magnificent than you could have ever conceived. Bring your light forward, share your essence with the world.  You are free.

Swan Blessing personal sessions Melbourne, VIC:  25th Oct - 7th Nov
Swan Blessing Mount Tamborine, QLD:  9th - 10th Nov (11th Sold Out)

You Shall Have Homes, N.C. Wyeth  1928