Full Moon, Water Witching and the Wild Bee


How was your Full Moon last night beauties? We were immersed in essence making here in Sherbrooke Forest in the middle of a rain storm it was inspiring and strangely calming - water witching under the Chestnut Tree with water pouring down and yet the tree kept us quite dry.

Today there is a soft blue hue over the forest, it is dark and only 2pm and we are getting ready to prepare the fire... the beeswax calls. We will be offering new encaustic beeswax art and meditation circles from the forest very soon, I am just waiting to confirm the dates in a venue where we can have an open fire! Here are 3 encaustic paintings that were birthed at the Autumn Equinox - each speaking beautifully and guiding me so much at this time. There is an old saying: 'ask the wild bee what the Druids knew'. Blessings of the wild bee for your full moon dreaming.

Equinox encaustic oracle : Sacred Familiar
Spirit Dancer encaustic oracle: Sacred Familiar
Swan Maiden encaustic oracle - Sacred Familiar

Born Free - Release the Ties That Bind

'Born Free': Saoirse Ronan by Rankin 2013

A past life vow that often comes up to be cleared is the Vow of Marriage. Some of us carry vows that still connect us to other souls from lifetimes past and this can be an unsettling feeling when we encounter these souls again playing different roles in our current life. Even when relationships in our present lifetimes break down and marriages end in divorce, the vows that we made in those ceremonies may still be holding firm even though you may not be physically living together.

When we marry we make Sacred Vows, these words we speak are spell-binding - is the Vow you are speaking dedicated to creating fearless love or are you binding yourself with words that are more about tradition than your current, real values? The Vow of Obedience is still made in some marriage ceremonies to this day. It is different for everyone, trust your knowing and feel into your heart. Is it open or does it feel bound?

Without binding we can love fully, with great honesty and respect for ourselves and our beloved. Take back your wild heart, it was born free.

The Dream Art of Brenda Ferrimani

I am Salmon

In this time of shift and transformation our dreams hold keys and symbols to help us not only unlock the deeper mysteries of our spirit but also real practical advice in how to navigate our waking world. In the last 12 months dreams have guided me every step of the way, they are the most important teacher in my shamanic path. In Winter I will be offering the first of our Active Dreaming workshops to connect to Ancestral Wisdom and receive answers for yourself in this changing world. I urge you to make time for your dreams by going to bed earlier to enable deeper sleep periods and waking earlier to give yourself time to journey back into your dreams to write, draw and make note of the messages held within them.
These amazing artworks have all been painted from dreams by artist and dream worker, Brenda Ferrimani. She says: 'Dream images have captivated my imagination and provide an unending source of inspiration for my paintings. It it s my desire to express the mystery of the psyche's inner world and the power of dreams to impact and change our lives.' 
This is Brenda's description for the painting above, 'I am Salmon', a painting that came after asking Spirit for a name:
'This painting was inspired by a dream in which, I ask Spirit for a name. The name I was given was Salmon, because "I try so hard and through my struggles new creation is born." As I try to tell the people in my dream about my name I find myself swimming in the ocean. There are thousands of fish around me and I'm moving with the currents. I feel a big fish under me with my foot, and in the distance I see a Killer Whale breaching. 

The dream left me feeling that I'm part of something much bigger than myself and that the movement toward a certain outcome and destination is out of my control. As an artist I certainly feel like a salmon. So many creative ones out there being driven by passion to express themselves! Also, the timing of this work is particularly cosmic as we struggle through the worst Recession since the Great Depression. There are many concerns for our planet as all humans strive to survive and make the world a better place for future generations.' Brenda Ferrimani

The Branching Woman
Soul Tree - Brenda Ferrimani

we've always had the keys

ruth st. denis 1919
Ruth St Denis, 1919

"We locked up our wisdom into our bones
And swallowed the keys
They sank in our rivers of blood
And we forgot the maps
Because we had to forget the mysteries
To keep them safe.
We wove our hair into brooms
And swept over our paths
And then burned the earth with our rage
We didn't teach our children
It was the only way to protect them,
we thought
But in them we planted seeds, seeds and keys
And told them stories and riddles and songs
With no roots, just tangled threads
That would take years to unwind
Just enough time
For the rains to fall again
and put out the fires
For the dams to break
For the rivers to flood
For the paths
to be walked again
For the soil to breathe
And as the old bones crumble
Deep beneath the rubble
We find we've always had the keys
Our stories and our maps
Our paths are revealed to some
And the seeds grow again
The threads are unspun
And woven again"

Amara Bronwyn, Hollow Bones

Autumn Equinox - The Balance Between Darkness and Light

Tonight we celebrate the Autumn Equinox here in the Southern Hemisphere, the balancing point of equal light to darkness. From tonight onwards, the nights become longer as we journey towards Winter. I love this time of the year, it is such an activation point for receiving wisdom. Yesterday Tony and I intuitively stopped at a forest trail we hadn't taken before and on a whim decided to venture down. The track was called the Lyrebird Trail but I knew that we may not be assured of glimpsing this magical and shy bird, I have been waiting almost 2 months for a glimpse! But after only walking about 5 minutes into the forest we heard a call that I had never heard before and I hoped...yes... and there it was - the almost mythical Lyrebird standing just a few feet away from us. Lyrebird is a totem for the storyteller and keeper of ancestral memory. I felt this sighting was such a blessing to us, it felt like a gift. I hope that you receive the gifts and signs you are waiting for in the days following the Autumn Equinox - I find the week following these activation points very fertile and potent with transformative energy.

We will be holding our annual Autumn Equinox workshop and activation ceremony this Sunday 24th March at Tree of Life. This focus on this workshop will be releasing Past Life Vows, Oaths and Sacred Contracts to step into your purpose and open up self-expression in this potent time of change. I have a feeling it is going to be very beautiful, there are so many ancestors waiting to speak with us. We hope to see you there.

First sighting of the magical Lyrebird totem of the Storyteller 

Midwifing Death - Leslene della-Madre

Iain Whittaker, Psychopomp

2013 is the year of Reclaiming - reclaiming our bodies, our birth rites, our wisdom and our own authority. And so I am very happy to see that the amazing women of the School of Shamanic Midwifery are hosting the Australian tour of Leslene della-Madre, author of Midwifing Death. Isn't it time that we reclaimed the sacred threshold of death for our loved ones and for ourselves?

Leslene is author, poet, grandmother, shamanic spiritual midwife and initiate of several shamanic healing traditions including Native American. After many years of groundbreaking work as a spiritual midwife, Leslene realised that the same skills and wisdom called on at birthing could be used to assist the dying.


"Midwifery is usually associated with birth and babies. After training in spiritual midwifery, giving birth to two daughters, mothering foster children and becoming a crone, I have observed that the same skills needed for attending birth can be brought to the bedside of the dying.  I also learned that a lifetime of knowledge and wisdom carried in the wombs and hearts of women can be very healing for the dying—and that these skills are what I refer to as “mothering skills”. They are based in compassion, empathy, beauty, humility and openness to “knowing”—an animal wisdom kind of knowing. 

Life and death are not opposites. Death is integral to the whole/holiness of the sacred web of all that is. In this experiential workshop with slides, movement, trance, song and sacred theater and whatever arises in spontaneity/gaiety we will explore a way of viewing death that actually comes from the realm of our pre-patriarchal ancestors. Very little is known or taught about how our early ancestors lived, and in this space together we will learn from them and bring forward a much needed shamanic integration about life and death for body mind and spirit. We will also learn what it means to “midwife” death in our current time and how to transform fear about death into pure love."  Leslene della-Madre

In our shamanic practice with The Swan Blessing we sit with clients as they witness their own deaths in past lives and very often they see the moment of the soul's transition from that life back into the spirit world. This moment is so gentle, full of wonder and beauty. Through this work, I have lost so much of my own fear of death, something I feel we have been taught by a society that, particularly in the western world, still regards death as taboo. We do not want to face death. We can barely talk about it and yet, of course, it is inevitable. I believe the wisdom that Leslene is bringing to share with us in Australia is vital. Imagine the lives we will live when we no longer fear death. What deep well of ancestral wisdom is awaiting return? What sacred rites and songs are still being held in the marrow of our bones? If we can step through our own threshold of fear we may remember a time long ago when we could embrace the sacred event of death as an initiation of the soul back into the spiritual realm.

You may find yourself called to this work and wisdom without even knowing why. I would simply say to you: return. Return to your knowing of life without fear of death. Perhaps you may have someone in your family and life who is approaching this sacred threshold. Or you may even be feeling a calling back into an ancient practice of caring for the dying that you had not previously understood. In this time of reclaiming we are remembering so many roles of honour and sacred service that have been suppressed for a long, long time. I believe that when work like this presents itself, it will call you. I will be attending the Melbourne workshop and I hope to see you there.

Midwifing Death - Leslene della-Madre Workshops in Australia:

Blue Mountains NSW: Fri 12-14th April 2013
Brisbane QLD: Fri 19-21st April 2013
Melbourne VIC: Fri 26-28th April 2013 

 For full workshop and ticket information, please go HERE.

From Moon to Moon - Avalon Meditation Mist

From Moon to Moon we Glow and Grow...Avalon Meditation Mist containing healing waters from the Chalice Well in Glastonbury. Created at the New Moon in Aquarius at the birth of the Year of the Water Snake, activated at the Lunar Occultation with Jupiter and completed at New Moon in Pisces.

I created this blend to awaken ancestral memory of the Wisdom and Mystery Centres of the Sacred Feminine. A spray to use before meditation, dreaming, creating art, and in times when we need to quieten the chatter of our mind to access our deep knowing and simply BE.

From Sherbrooke Forest made with lunar love.

$30 plus $7 postage within Australia.

Mineral Spa Immersion Pool in Wombat Forest

Water is Life - New Source for Essences

'Water Guardian' in river reflection after thanking the water

On the New Moon in Pisces and after the days following, Tony and I have been journeying to Warburton to visit our new water source - the crystal clear natural spring on Mount Donna Buang. We had heard about this spring for many years and we have been blown away by the water's natural purity and healing presence. When we first arrived at the spring there was an elderly man with sparkling blue eyes filling up his many bottles with spring water. He was very excited to meet more Water people and began to tell us the story of the spring as it journeyed from an underwater river through minerals, crystals, seams of gold and silver to naturally pour from the mountainside. He reminded me of Guardians of the Well, Threshold Keepers from Celtic faerie tales and myths. He told us to drink it and drink nothing else that it was the purest water we would find. The word I heard around him was Vital - he told me he was older than I could imagine.

Once we drew enough water for our essences and to drink we went down to sit by the river to thank the mountain, the keepers of the land and the water elementals. The photograph above was taken after this meditation. He looks aboriginal and so very wise. And so here is the Water Guardian in the spirit world to match the Water Guardian we met in our 'real' world by the spring itself. Nature explaining an old wisdom to us: 'as above, so below'.

We believe that Nature and her guardians are able to speak to us more clearly now and that we should share their message. The message we received was: 'Water is Life' - we all deserve clean drinking water, it is our right as beings on this earth. And Water is priceless, sacred. Nature's bounty is crystal clear - let's all make an effort to keep our waterways clean from pollution and garbage. When you can, speak out for the Water and for Nature. This gift is sacred and we want it to be here forever.

Forest Watching over the Spring

Sacred Spring

Forest Sprite


Swan Blessing Story - Magic Unbound

The Goddess, Kimberly Webber
Tonight I share a Swan Blessing Story written by Kelly about how we can receive the gift of our own Ancestral Wisdom when we clear past life vows and promises. When Tony and I first met Kelly, an artist and sculptor, we were quickly aware that we were in the presence of someone who had walked a spiritual path in many lifetimes. After spending time with Kelly in circle and workshops I could feel her connection to ancient mystery schools and a deep affinity with the natural world. But as Kelly would strengthen her meditation practice and open energy centres, I sensed that there was always a threshold to deepening that Kelly held herself back from crossing and there were times when she would shut her power down. After reading Kelly's Swan Story you will completely understand how it is often the promises we make to ourselves that can be the most binding.
We were so pleased to see Kelly come forward to receive Swan Blessing and very touched to discover that she wanted to share her beautiful story. A very important element of Swan Blessing that Tony and I are only just understanding fully, is that one of the healings offered through the ceremony is an opening of self-expression. When the Swan Story is written for yourself, you experience another level of healing that is profound.

She came to me my familiar stranger and shared with me her emotions and memories. Her feelings reflected my own. The heavy ones that had lived so deeply within me for as long I could remember. I had taken them to be mine. I had taken them to be of this life, but they where not. They were the blonde haired girl's all along, and she was I. But that life has gone. She had lost her freedom to be herself when all her love was taken from her. This blonde haired girl had lived on the land amongst the natural people. These folk lived in small homes with lavish gardens and roaming wild life. Most of her days were spent running with the deer.

When I first encountered her she was outside with the women from the house chanting and sharing stories. I was drawn to her immediately. The youngest of the group, no more thirteen years. The wide-eyed, golden haired girl soaking up the lesson being offered by the wise women - with an awe of excitement.  This place was special, the Faerie played there. Together they worshipped the land healing plant, animal, and human alike.   People travelled far to see the natural people and be healed from both mental and physical ailments. No payment was exchanged. The risk of travel was enough and to arrive by the cover of night was they only request of the healers.

One night in a blink of an eye the blonde haired girl's life was turned to ash. By the men in black who travel the countryside, defusing the light in people’s hearts. On this night only one survived. The young girl was taken by the men and placed in a cold blue-stoned cell and robed in black. They tried to force her to use her abilities to heal their wounded men. Though she refused with conviction. As she laid in the darkness she bound her light and shielded her love, she would not share the magic of the land with those who were only out to destroy it.

Her magic was strong and her internal binding became physical. She herself was bound in rope by the men in black and left in the darkness - left to fade. Her sadness was deep, her conviction was strong and her intentions where true and clear. I could feel it. I had felt it before. I'd felt the bound girl inside, often a dull aching I could not quite place.  While connecting to this feeling I was transported to my sacred space. The space that I enter upon meditation and out of the water she emerged, that I of the past. She was now free I had become the one bound. Our eyes met, two of the same, she untied me from the rope she had once been bound in, and then she smiled.

And with that smile she whispered –

‘Thank you for coming back for me., now we are both free and in your world you don’t have to hide, you can dance under the moonlight without fear, you can use your magic, release our light and show others the way to theirs. Always remember the Faerie as they are still with you’.

Bless it be.

Thank you Julia and Tony, I have experienced so much healing from releasing this vow. I also feel that part of my soul experience has now become open to me within this life. You have both shared a truly amazing gift, the gift of remembering who we are and all we can be.

Kelly, 2013

We are so glad to see you reclaim your birthright Kelly, your own natural, wisdom passed down through those beautiful, chanting, storytelling wise women of your ancestral tribe. We can't wait to see how this new opening to all that you are channels into your sculpture, art and life. Love to you Kelly for sharing this past life dreaming, we hope that it's healing message resonates with many readers.

Dark Moon in Pisces - The Lady of the Cave

[Image: orda-cave3.jpg?w=580&h=892]
Ordinskaya Cave near Perm in Russia is the world's largest underwater gypsum cave giving it the appearance of a natural cathedral. Photographer Viktor Lyagushkin and Phototeam.Pro asked legendary freediver, Natalia Avseenko to pose as the legendary spirit who guards the cave. The legend is that the 'Lady of the Cave' watches over all divers who enter. Natalia is known for diving naked in sub-zero temperatures with Beluga whales, apparently because they do not like to be touched by anything artificial. I think there's a message in all of this...Water is speaking so clearly as we draw up to the New Moon in Pisces. There are so many planets in the watery realm of Pisces at the moment. How does this element affect you? Pay attention to your dreams and visions. If the Lady of the Cave had a message for you, what would she be whispering today?
[Image: orda-cave.jpg?w=580&h=423]
[Image: orda-cave2.jpg?w=580&h=371]