'Awakening and uniting through sharing and celebrating the unique experiences and imagination of Australia's first peoples.' National Indigenous Television (NITV)
Last year SBS launched the free to air National Indigenous Television in Australia and I am so thrilled to be learning, finally so much about Aboriginal art, music, lands. Thank you NITV! And last night Peter Weir's 'The Last Wave' aired and I fell in love. I remember Vali telling me years ago to watch this film and how much she adored David Gulpilil. Here is a great interview with Peter Weir to give you an idea of the magic it contains.
"My grandmother and her cat are always together. This is the photobook captured the everyday life of my grandmother, Misao who bends her self to the fields work with her cat Fukumaru." "Under the sun, everyday is a good day. Another good day, Fukumaru"
'12 years ago, Miyoko Ihara has started to take photographs of her grandmother, Misao. Miyoko wanted to leave a living proof of her. One day, her grandmother found a odd-eyed kitten in the shed. She named the cat "Fukumaru" in hope that "God of fuku(good fortune) comes and everything will be smoothed over like maru(circle)". Even thought she is 87 years old, she still go out into the fields everyday, and Fukumaru always accompany her. It has been 8 years since they first met. The grandmother whose hearing become weak and Fukumaru who has hearing disabilities are always looking into each other's eyes and feeling warmth each other.'
“In that first hardly noticed moment in which you wake, coming back to this life from the other more secret, moveable and frighteningly honest world where everything began, there is a small opening into the new day which closes the moment you begin your plans.”
“What you can plan is too small for you to live. What you can live wholeheartedly will make plans enough for the vitality hidden in your sleep.”
“To be human is to become visible while carrying what is hidden as a gift to others. To remember the other world in this world is to live in your true inheritance.“
“You are not a troubled guest on this earth, you are not an accident amidst other accidents you were invited from another and greater night than the one from which you have just emerged.”
“Now, looking through the slanting light of the morning window toward the mountain presence of everything that can be what urgency calls you to your one love? What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?”
“Is it waiting in the fertile sea? In the trees beyond the house? In the life you can imagine for yourself? In the open and lovely white page on the waiting desk?”
'In the native healing tradition of the Celtic World, living spring water was called Rock Water – it is the water that emerges out of the depths of the earth into the light. Water that is revivified in the dark womb of the earth and finds its way again to the light is a re-born substance.
Rock Water is the mother of all flower remedies; it is typically an entry-point remedy that softens the soul’s disposition, and introduces the individual to a realm beyond the hardness of the physical body and the material world. Rock Water is not an environmental remedy or a remedy made from rocks, as some New Age thinkers have assumed. Dr. Bach intended that all flower essences be prepared with vibrant spring water, and Rock Water is the base element that is foundational to all true flower essences.'
Our own 'rock water' that we use in the creation of Daughters of the Well essences pours forth from a fern covered cavern a few hundred metres from the opening of the deep artesian well on the top of Mount Donna Buang in Warburton. High up in the mountain this deep underground spring bursts from the earth in an endless supply of the clearest natural spring water that I have ever tasted and the purity of it's essence is such a gift to healing remedies.
Sometimes, when Tony is asked to come out to a home or workplace to create sacred space and clear energy it is not the building that is 'haunted' or unhappy, it is the land itself. The land carries histories of human life beyond what we can see with our eyes and much further back in time than the current residents can remember. This is when Tony is called to speak with the spirits of the earth and to clear and honour the traumatic events that have happened there so that the current tenants can live in harmony and peace. In our current culture we have not been taught to understand that we are residing on a living organism - the body of the Earth. Just as we carry emotional and physical scars long after a traumatic event, the spirit of the land also carries energetic wounds. We have found that very often what is required is an honouring of the event and the souls that were involved, quite simply, what is needed is for us to acknowledge and remember.
An example of this honouring can be found at what is known as The Cross Bones Graveyard in London. In operation at around 1598, it was a graveyard that the church would not consecrate because it was for the hundreds of young prostitutes known as the Winchester Geese. Ironically and terribly they were known as the Winchester Geese because they were actually licensed by the Bishop of Winchester as the church held so much power in London at the time. So they were in effect, licensed and managed by a church that would not bless the ground that they were buried in - damned in life and damned in death. In the victorian era it was known as a pauper's graveyard and at the time of closing in 1853 it was 'completely overcharged with the dead'. Long since forgotten and neglected, it was only during excavations in 1991 that it was rediscovered.What you see in the images above and below are the honourings and blessings for the forgotten Winchester Geese. And this was all made possible by the work of playwright, John Constable who together with a small informal local group, Friends of Cross Bones, fought to save it from redevelopment and to honour it for the very first time as a sacred space. In the image below you see many names on ribbons, naming the women and children buried here. John Constable has also written The Southwark Mysteries, a cycle of poems and mystery plays inspired directly by the spirit of a 'Winchester Goose'. Now this site is open for visitors to pay their respects and to finally remember the Outcast Dead and because of it, this sacred site has been re-enchanted and become a place of positivity and healing.Just as your own spirit yearns for re-enchantment, for the honouring of it's sacred essence, so does the land that we live on. She needs your love too.
Recently I was given the gift of a Lyrebird feather. I was deeply honoured to receive it not only because the feathers of these totem birds of Sherbrooke Forest are so very rare and hard to find but also because they are medicine from these sonic record keepers, the ancestral sound recorders. Lyrebirds have a prehistoric memory recall of the sounds of animals that no longer exist on the earth. These ancient creatures have a lot to teach us about ancestral voices and once when I was listening to a lyrebird in the forest, I felt a line of energy or space open up through my sinuses and mouth - it felt like an activation of some kind and it was created by a frequency of sound made by this bird that is actually way too hard to describe in words. Sonic is the only word that comes close to it.
And the sound of our words spoken aloud or in song can be just as powerful. We are being called now to speak for the Earth and for her animals, her trees, her water. Reclaiming our words and the unique sound of our own voice and then speaking with intent can be life-changing. I believe that some of us are being called to re-enchant the earth and her people with our voices. To sing up the earth, to sing alive our bodies. When we are speaking from the depths of our heart it can build an etheric bridge to the voice of the spirit. Our timeless spirit may speak in a voice unrecognisable to the conscious self. I have spoken to singers who tell me they are often surprised with what comes out when they open their mouths to sing. This voice may be strange to your ears, it may not carry your accent from your current lifetime. It may be beyond accent, beyond the linguistic heritage of family and country.
Often in medicine sessions, I hear this strange and queer voice, sometimes whispering, sometimes deep and loud. The more I hear Her the more I have come to love and trust this voice that does not obey my mind. A voice that is not always pretty and sometimes beyond words - pure sound. Don't let shyness or the risk of sounding 'silly' block the ancestral voice. Your spirit is ageless and unique and your voice is an instrument to communicate it's message.
Imagine if any one of these incredible singers had held back in any way...we would be the poorer for not receiving the full expression of their gift.