Sinead O'Connor - Response to the Magdelene Laundries Report

SINGER Sinead O’Connor has sent the following letter to The Irish Post. It is her response to the apology by The Sisters of Our Lady of Charity concerning the treatment of women in their care. “I have written the below open letter to The Sisters of Our Lady of Charity in response to their published apology upon release of the Magdalene Laundries report,” said Sinead, who as a teenager spent time in a Catholic institution for shoplifting and truancy.
Dear Sisters,
I am one of the very few who can say with my hand on my heart that the time spent time in your institution at High Park in Drumcondra, saved my life.
It was named An Grianan, and is named so in The Residential Institutions Redress Act, where An Grianan is listed first, should there be any doubt as to whether or not An Grianan (the house of the rising sun) was a residential institution.
It was the very place indeed which gave the name ‘Magdalene Laundries’ when sometime after I left in 1984 the land was sold and some builders digging up the ground found many graves, all marked only ‘Magdalene’.
During the time I spent there the girls used to say they saw a ghostly white lady crossing the garden. I laughed and mocked them. Until the day I heard about the graves.
Sister Margaret who was in charge during the time I was there was the number one greatest thing that had up until that time ever happened to me in my life. She loved me as if I was own daughter.
Specifically she loved me because I was rebellious. She knew I had a good heart. Now that I have grown I think she saw in me the girl that she would like to have been had she not been herself a slave of the theocracy. the epilogue to the Magdalene story will be how much in fact some of you ladies were as much slaves of the theocracy as the girls were. Your stories have yet to be told.
Sister Margaret bought me my first guitar and saw music would save my life and told me to go from my dreams and to know that God was always with me and she even bought me a parka coat like all the punk rockers had, from a punk rock shop in Dublin called No Romance. The woman was an angel.
However I must state that while my experience in your institution was good for me I saw something absolutely appalling happen there to someone else and I felt very sad last night when I saw the wording of the apology you published in response to The McAleese Report on The Magdalene Laundries.
You said: “It is with deep regret that we acknowledge that there are women who did not experience our refuge as a place of protection and care.”
What I saw happen to a girl I loved in your institution deserves a much more specific response. Not least because her experience is not an isolated case. She is one of many girls who had similar experience in institutions all over the land.
The McAleese report is incorrect when it states that there is no evidence to support that women ever had babies in institutions.
Indeed on the night the report was published a woman who was born in an institution and taken from her mother a told her story.
In the Irish Times of Wednesday, February 6, 2013 On page four, there is an interview with a lady named Patricia Burke Brogan. She states she was a novice with the Sisters of Mercy in the Galway laundry. She left because she could not stand to see the women being locked up
She states: “When I asked the superior why they weren’t let out she said ‘oh if you let them out they’ll be back here in no time pregnant again’. AGAIN is the key word here.
In fact babies were often born in institutions and laundries. And often they were taken from their mothers against their mothers will.
I witnessed this happen to my friend in your specific institution. I really feel she deserves something better than you regret she didn’t experience your refuge as a place of protection and care.
My friend was 17 years old. She was pregnant and we all were with her and she was happy and so were we. My friend is the only woman that I ever met in my life that I could justifiably call a true lady.
She became pregnant whilst under the care of your institution in fact. and went joyously through the pregnancy with us there. I am not the only witness to these events.
She had a baby boy. Black hair and skin so white he shimmered palest blue, like a little Krishna.
She adored him she minded him and loved him and fussed over him and was the best mother I have ever seen in her precise ways of caring for his every possible comfort. He was her lamb. Her Christ. The light of her life. And he was also and remains a little tiny light of mine. Which is why I am writing This letter.
One morning I woke to hear my friend screaming. And I ran out of my cubicle I saw her surrounded by two or three nuns. I can’t quite remember how many. They tore my friends baby from her arms. She struggled, I tried to help as did others. Her desperate beggings and pleadings and screams were ignored. She was physically overpowered as was I and the other girls and the baby was gone. With no trace of where he went.
Again I state for the record I am only one of several witnesses to this event.
If there is true regret on your part that your institution was not a place of refuge could you please compose a more suitable response to this particular incident.
I am certain that my friend will have been gutted by the composition of the ‘apology’. Which flicks a flaccid wrist, frankly at her if it isn’t of consequence .
If you are regretful. Produce the man who was that baby. And if the Church generally is regretful. Let ye produce all the stolen babies.
And if Enda Kenny means it when he says the state intends to fully support these women for the rest of their lives and is regretful himself. Let him produce my friend’s son. And records of all the stolen children and where they went and where their children are now.
Yes the state should say sorry. But they were the dirty worker for the Church. And the Church thinks it looks like the good guy now with these so called apologies. No. It doesn’t wash. You need to go back to whomever authority composes these apologies and ask they specifically respond to this case please.
Yes you can say ‘the law was you couldn’t keep your baby if you were unmarried and under 18′. But it is for the police to enforce laws. Not the clergy. And police never tore babies from their mothers arms. Indeed they never had the power to when they should have had it, while Irish children were being savaged by clergy and theocracy.
Answer this.. Why were the nuns and not the police enforcing the laws of the land ?
I regret to say I have several friends who were never in an institution yet had their babies stolen by clergy at hospitals when they went for a shower. None of my friends that this happened to were given any choice in the matter. Indeed they were not even informed of what was to take place until after it had taken place.
Enda Kenny I admire you greatly. I hope you don’t let me down. What do you have to say about the state’s Compulsory removal of the children of un-married mothers under the age of 18? Please explain to me why the police were not the ones enforcing this law.
It is highly important the state acknowledge that it in plain terms. And apologise for that.
Sinead O’Connor

Unveiling Lilith - Aisha Wolf

I have just discovered this potent poem by Aisha Wolf - beautiful TRUTH! I feel such synchronicity here as we open the dreaming well of Femmina Unbound - Medicine Women Return for the collective healing of ourselves and the sisters of the Magdalene Laundries at Abbotsford Convent. SHE is stirring, she is rising, she is unveiling...

Dear Woman 

You belong to the night.
You have blood on your thighs
and fuhrze in your hair.
You smell of loamy fertile soil.
Your breasts give life,
Your sex is a mystery school
leading to the holy of holies.

Turn your eyes inward.
Use owls' vision to see where you come from.
Slip beneath the surface,
and feel yourself become full.

Make a marriage to the moon.

Divorce the false gods of intellect and reason.
Find meaning in your dreams.
And in the secrets of your body.

Follow no authority -
But your own true nature.

Make a sacred fire.
And throw on it all that you would use to harm yourself.
Make kindling from shame.

Let your dance be wild.
Your voice be honest.
And your heart untamed.

Be cyclical.
Don't make sense.

Initiate yourself.
Initiate yourself.

Aisha Wolfe 

from my book Yoni verse Burlesque
William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825 – 1905)

Swan Blessing in Sydney

Dear Sydney friends, we will be in your neck of the woods next week and we are so excited to meet the artists, musicians, healers and all round wise folk who have booked in already for their Swan Blessing sessions. If you would like to book a personal Swan Blessing ceremony we have just 3 more sessions available. Please let us know as soon as you can if you would like to take one of these last places.

Our only workshop in Sydney will be held at Desire Books on Imbolc, 1st August : Swan Blessing Spirit Doll Workshop - The Art of Enchantment. In this workshop we will be clearing past life vows and contracts binding the Artisan and creativity and creating our own Spirit Doll Dreamer. Please contact Katy at Desire if you would like to take part: desire@desirebooks.

Oceans of love and see you all soon!

Remembering our Wise Craft - Plant Medicine Doll Workshop

An enormous thank you to the beautiful sisters who joined Nicole Ahava and I in our Plant Medicine Doll workshop at Tree of Life in Melbourne on the weekend. Many amazing dolls were birthed in that afternoon, some looking so ancient and otherwordly. In our group Swan Blessing we focussed on releasing past life sacred vows and promises that have bound our memory of herb lore and plant medicine. I'm so glad to see your return Medicine Women, I look forward to seeing the magical garden that grows from the seeds planted on this day.
Our next Spirit Doll workshop will be in Sydney at Imbolc next week - there are still a couple of places open so let me know if you are feeling called to remember this Wise Craft again.