Golden Dreams for your Summer Solstice

Vali by Patricia Ariel

Good morning everyone! Wishing you a beautiful Summer Solstice today. The incredible painting 'Vali' by my dear friend Patricia Ariel above was channeled and painted in one evening after I introduced Patricia to Vali Myer's art and spirit. I don't think any other artist has captured the essence of Vali so perfectly. She was a Solar Queen! Such is the inspiration and magical power of art and intuition. I hope that you feel the pure gold essence and joy of the Sun today.

Riverside Evening, Harold Hitchcock

The direct point of the Midsummer will be at 4.30pm. Make a wish and step into the music. Let's show up as our true selves in the Golden Light of 2012. More sharing, more art, more passionate creativity in nature's wild embrace!

A deeply felt thank you and enormous hug to everyone who has shared with us this year and we look forward to welcoming you into the music in 2012.

Waterfalls of honey, Julia and Tony xxx

Kyanite Aura Mist created on the Full Moon Eclipse

On Saturday night just after midnight at the time of the Full Moon Eclipse thunder and lightning illuminated a sky tinged with a red blush. In this energy of wild nature, I created the latest batch of Kyanite Mist Sacred Space & Energy Protector Spray. It was a beautiful experience to prepare the sacred water from the wells in the semi-darkness as the wind and rain swirled through the open window. I kept calling the blue bottles 'my blue ladies' as I measured and poured by candlelight the blend of plant, stone and water essences.

The main ingredient of the Aura Mist is the wonderfully protective and cleansing gem essence of desert Kyanite gathered from Northern Territory gifted to me by my dear friend and wild Earth Woman, Martina of Nature's Art Melbourne. The medicine of the stone Kyanite is one of keeping your own 'essence' - free of any other energy. It has the power of never needing any cleansing, it simply will not retain any negative energy from anyone or thing and I think this is particularly needed in these changing times - not to shield ourselves but to remain in our own unique and authentic essence.

The generous Lilly Pilly tree that shared her medicine and essence

For the first time I have also added the Australian plant essence of Lilly Pilly. The Lilly Pilly is a rainforest plant known for creating balance in energy fields and can sweep clutter from the body and psyche. Lilly Pilly brings a lightness to the body and space around us. I also created the Lilly Pilly plant essence over the weekend of the eclipse. Added to these healing waters are the pure essential oils of Lavender, Rose Geranium & Bergamot.

Many of you may still be feeling the energy of the Full Moon Eclipse as the transformation continues to move through us over the next couple of weeks. I'm finding this Full Moon Kyanite Mist is quietly and calmly keeping the space around me clear of confusion and clutter, enabling me to keep dreaming in new ideas for change and growth for next year. I spray it not only around my rooms but all over my body - the smell and feel is nurturing and grounding.

I have just 10 bottles of this Full Moon Eclipse Kyanite Aura Mist left after filling orders so please let me know as soon as you can if any of these 'blue ladies' are calling to you, the cost is $25 each including postage.

Waterfalls of love,


Mirror, Mirror - Looking forward to 2012 Classes!

Hello beautiful people! We are in the lead-up zone to the Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini tomorrow night. A beautiful time of insight and deeply intuitive impulses that hopefully help you to understand just where you want to be in 2012. Eclipses tend to bring up issues from the depths into the light and this will be an intensely felt eclipse - you may want to still be in Hermit mode to avoid some difficult energy as Mercury is still in retrograde until 13th December. It will be a beautiful weekend for taking it slow and going within - all the answers you need are inside yourself waiting to be unlocked.

We are so excited to let you know about the new workshops and classes we'll be teaching next year - lots of changes - lots more art!! Yay for that! I have been feeling more and more that the deep healing we need will be unlocked through art and much of what I'll be offering next year will be involving different art mediums to help you unlock creativity - a sure path to the embodied self. Next year is all about developing trust to our own knowing.

As you know we like to keep our classes small to work deeply so please let us know as soon as possible if you wish to take part in these classes as they will fill up fast. In some classes we will have to offer places to those who have studied with us previously and are most suitable - particularly in the channeling course: The Oracle Speaks.

Much love for all of your new creations - especially that beautiful creation: YOURSELF!

Looking forward to sharing with you all next year,

Waterfalls of love,
Julia & Tony xx

Preparing for the New Moon Eclipse - LET'S MAKE MORE ART!

El Oraculo Celoso, Mariana Palova 2011

Hello beautiful people,

well Mercury goes Retrograde today in the Dark Moon as we prepare for a New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius tomorrow - wow, how much can we handle?! The answer: EVERYTHING, we can handle everything. The key is to handle it in your own individual way. Some of us are going into Hermit mode while others are feeling the glorious Fire of Sagittarius and gearing up for the party season. I believe this incredible period of time we are living in where the Divine Feminine is rising from the depths again is about discovering, exploring and living your own true authentic spirit. So do what your spirit is urging you to do!
In the Dark Moon tonight is a perfect time to work with your Tarot cards to gain clarity and understanding of the changes that are happening and to create conscious pathways to a radiant future. I am so in love with the Gaian Tarot at the moment and have been using this nourishing and healing deck with all of my clients and in my own readings for myself. Here is The Seeker (The Fool) from the Gaian Tarot - an inspiring visual of the energy of this New Moon Eclipse.
Eclipses tend to activate breakthroughs and insights and sometimes illuminate and bring forward issues that we've been trying to hide from or avoid. And partnered with the energy of Sagittarius it could get fiery so be aware that with Mercury in Retrograde, mis-communication is a theme. I'd be giving difficult types a wide berth and instead focussing this creative and fire-filled time of rebirth into creative projects - tomorrow would be perfect day to create a new Vision Board for your dreams for 2012.

Below is the vision board I created for 2011 - I had no idea at the time that I would be working with water essences and healing with water, working with clients to bring light to the shadow-self or even to discover my own Black Moon Lilith in the Fire Sign of Leo - but here it all is waiting to be brought forward from the dreamworlds and very present in my unconscious. By engaging with our creativity we create portals to explore the magical and inspiring realms of our Inner Knowing. Let's make more art!

My Vision of 2011
Tomorrow Tony and I will be heading back into the Wombat Forest to draw water from the forest wells for new plant essences to be made at the New Moon Eclipse - I can't wait to see how the essences become energised on this potent day! 
Wishing you all a wonderful New Moon tomorrow, may you all be birthed anew in the warm embrace of Sagittarius.

Essence of the Forest Well

New Forest Well Essences now available - prepared this morning in 'mad professor' style! Love lots of bottles and water, water, water!

Kyanite Mist Sacred Space & Energy Protector - $25
Grounding Essence - $15
Building Sacred Fire Essence - $15
Healing the Divine Feminine Essence - $15

All made from healing water collected from hand-drawn natural mineral spring wells in the Wombat Forest, plant essences from forest plants and Kyanite gem essence gifted with love from the Northern Territory (Kyanite is a stone that holds only it's on OWN essence - I love that - no need to shield from other's energy but to shine and glow in your own).

Waterfalls of love, Julia xx

Black Moon Lilith

Thank you to all of the beautiful, truthful and inspiring women who shared the Black Moon Lilith Retreat with me over the weekend. It was truly an honour to be in your presence.
The retreat was held in all ways in the wise arms of astrologer, Babula Clement of and beautifully assisted by my dear friend Mikailah Gooda and Lisa Edgerton. Words will do no justice... I thank you.

New Essences - Kyanite Mist & Healing the Divine Feminine

Hello Everyone,

Well I'm about to fly off to Queensland to work with some fantastic shamanic astrologers at the Black Moon Lilith retreat and will be back in Melbourne after 17th November. Before I go I wanted to let you know that I have heard your requests for an Energy Protector Aura Mist! 

I have combined the beautiful healing water from the wells in Wombat Forest with an essence created from very powerful Kyanite crystals gifted to me by the wonderful Martina of Nature's Art Melbourne (link). She is the maker of many of my beautiful shamanic tools and stone jewellery. This beautiful Earth Woman found these Kyanite stones in the desert in the Northern Territory (never mined or drilled out of the earth but sitting on top of the ground) - Kyanite is a stone that dispels any negativity and helps us to retain our own authentic essence - perfect! I have also combined this with organic essential oils. This mist is perfect for spraying on your body (and is wonderfully cooling) and spraying in your healing spaces or workplaces - wherever you feel the need to clear the air.

The Kyanite Mist is $25 plus postage - I have only 6 bottles left as they have already been purchased by many of our students, so please let me know if you'd like to take on of them and I will prepare it for you before I leave. I have also created a new plant and water essence for Healing the Divine Feminine made from Violet & Wisteria - these essences are $15 and are available with the Sacred Space Essence & Sacred Fire Essence. 

Warm Wishes of Divine FLow for you all, Julia xxx